Just got layed off because we were working too fast for them to keep up with feeding us more work to do....ayeee....now the search begins...AGAIN!!!!
I think Im going to move to Cocoa beach or somewhere closer to the ocean if I can find a job, we shall see...
as of this coming month I have no lease on an apartment so I m seriously thinking of either camping or living out of my car for a month or two to save some cash (gas is like the same as rent anyway!! )
this came at the worst time though because I have another week or so until I need to be out of here and I was going to try and use the cash I would have earned for a storage unit....aghhh!!!
just venting :cry:
guess I got to keep in mind that one door may close and three more may open...so we shall see what the day brings tomorrow...I have one shot to look for jobs because I cant afford to do a lot of driving right now so Im going to go check into a few that I looked up today...wish me luck!
I think Im going to move to Cocoa beach or somewhere closer to the ocean if I can find a job, we shall see...
as of this coming month I have no lease on an apartment so I m seriously thinking of either camping or living out of my car for a month or two to save some cash (gas is like the same as rent anyway!! )
this came at the worst time though because I have another week or so until I need to be out of here and I was going to try and use the cash I would have earned for a storage unit....aghhh!!!
just venting :cry:
guess I got to keep in mind that one door may close and three more may open...so we shall see what the day brings tomorrow...I have one shot to look for jobs because I cant afford to do a lot of driving right now so Im going to go check into a few that I looked up today...wish me luck!