Why are my soap pucks caving inwards after curing for a few days?

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Apr 21, 2024
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United States
Image attached for reference (threw this soap out) but I keep running into an issue after I remove my soaps from their molds where the "Top" of the soap (exposed to air) remains relatively solid and retains its shape, but the bottom does not. As you can see in this picture, the bottom is caving inwards and does not remain flat. What is going on here and how do I stop this from happening?


  • IMG_2332.jpg
    230.9 KB · Views: 0
I don't get the picture, tbh - why the heavy 'editing'?

I would keep it in the mold for longer, until it's solid all over. What recipe are you using?
Hard to advise without a recipe, without knowing how you made the soap, and without a clear photo showing the problem. The edited picture is so obscured it's not really that helpful. Distortion can come from water content and curing conditions and additives and etc.
Oh no, why would you throw it out? 😩What you are describing sounds like a cosmetic issue, not a safety issue. I agree with the others that we need a much better picture and your
whole recipe + process in order to help you.