white bar of soap

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can someone please tell me if it possible to make a WHITE bar of soap using vegetable oils ( and only 15% coconut oil due to drying) My bars are beige & its ok for some scents but I would love to make a bright (or dark) white bar
I wanted to use only vegetable oils though...is it possible to get a white bar with olive oil in the recipe?
I use a recipe with coconut, palm kernel flakes, and olive oil (not extra virgin), and if not gelled, it is very white.
thanks :wink:
Sometimes it gels...sometimes it doesnt...and its the same recipe ! i dont know what to do ...I guess I will end up rebatching it as well
I believe that three things contribute to a white soap. First off, use light olive oil, not the green or dark yellow kind. Make sure the other oils you use are light in color and find FOs or EOs that do not discolor (mostly trial and error with the FOs but any vanilla in the fragrance will discolor). Also, do not gel. The soap will be lighter than the same soap that has gelled. It is true that lard can make for a white soap if the other ingredients do not discolor. The whitest soap I ever made was with palm oil that I bought at the health food store. Not an economical way to go, though. I also used coconut oil from the health food store, very light olive oil and lavender EO. I did gel that soap and it was blazing white. You can also lighten up a soap with a tiny bit of TD.
You can make a CO soap that is not drying by using a high SF (15%). I have found that OO, CO & Castor can give me a white bar as well.... like everyone else has said watch your fragrance as they definitely can affect your colour.
alabama49 said:
When you superfat,is that adding the butters or extras oils at trace?
No, you add all your oils and butters up front. Lye is still active at trace and it will take whatever it wants. There is no guarantee that any oils/butters added at trace will end up as your superfat. The exception to this is if you hot process the soap and add it after the cook.