What's your personal soundtrack today?

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Savage Daughter

Formerly known as Quasi Quadrant
Supporting Member
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
Turtle Island
I thought it would be fun to see what other people are listening to, share the fun :) Human beings are hilarious, and very unique in our ability to make music & to dance, finding joy in frequencies & rhythms that speak to our hearts....when I doubt that, I imagine the deer & racoons rocking out.....not so much LOL

Today - and last night - I have been bouncing around to this, one of my all-time favorites! Anyone else missing the rave / acid house days? 😁 The last time I had actually danced to this was 20 or so years ago with a heavily tattooed / pierced Swedish couple who were on holiday where I was living at the time.....until last night 😁 And no, I didn't break anything! 😂

When this video first came out & was aired on TV, apparently English parents - in England that is, as this is a band from England - were saying this video 'scared' their children and that Keith Flint looked like a man 'in need of urgent medical attention' 🤣 🤣 If so, count another 10 million+ of us, at the very least, as those in need of 'medical attention', because that's how many times this album sold as of 2019.

We miss you, Keith Flint, and thank you for being you ❤️

🤘 🌈 ❤️

Post what you've been listening to that gives you joy, no matter what it is! Don't be shy! And give us some context / your memories as to why you love the song!

EDIT: and another one!


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Around here, it's been CBC all day. Nothing right now and I'm appreciating the silence.
Not feeling anything much today ( pretty tired) but I do seem to have the song "Buffalo Soldier' stuck in my head (Bob Marley).

oh - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation?
Am I the only one bouncing off the walls the past while? 😲 LOL

I have got plenty of silence outside, but when I'm inside, I've got my stereo blasting anything & everything that vibes with me that day....no neighbours to bang on my walls or call the police....even the deer come around to listen 😁

Maybe I'm one of the people who is seriously affected physically & otherwise by solar flares...cuz I've been having a whole lot of fun, I tell ya! Funny, the full moon doesn't do that to me. I feel for people who are dealing with manic depressiveness....either could potentially throw a wrench into things. I'm just enjoying this energy wave for as long as it lasts. 😊

When I'm tuning down at night for sleep, I put on my meditation & chakra balancing CDs 😂
Am I the only one bouncing off the walls the past while? 😲 LOL

I have got plenty of silence outside, but when I'm inside, I've got my stereo blasting anything & everything that vibes with me that day....no neighbours to bang on my walls or call the police....even the deer come around to listen 😁

Maybe I'm one of the people who is seriously affected physically & otherwise by solar flares...cuz I've been having a whole lot of fun, I tell ya! Funny, the full moon doesn't do that to me. I feel for people who are dealing with manic depressiveness....either could potentially throw a wrench into things. I'm just enjoying this energy wave for as long as it lasts. 😊

When I'm tuning down at night for sleep, I put on my meditation & chakra balancing CDs 😂
That shows just how different people can be. If I were in your house, I'd be so tense, I'd never be able to get anything done or even sleep! I'll bet if you were in my house, you would feel very similar. I love that we each do what works for us. I wish more people could find their "happy place". I also wish more people could accept that what's best for them, isn't necessarily what's best for others. We'd all be a whole lot happier.
I thought it would be fun to see what other people are listening to, share the fun :) Human beings are hilarious, and very unique in our ability to make music & to dance, finding joy in frequencies & rhythms that speak to our hearts....when I doubt that, I imagine the deer & racoons rocking out.....not so much LOL

Today - and last night - I have been bouncing around to this, one of my all-time favorites! Anyone else missing the rave / acid house days? 😁 The last time I had actually danced to this was 20 or so years ago with a heavily tattooed / pierced Swedish couple who were on holiday where I was living at the time.....until last night 😁 And no, I didn't break anything! 😂

When this video first came out & was aired on TV, apparently English parents - in England that is, as this is a band from England - were saying this video 'scared' their children and that Keith Flint looked like a man 'in need of urgent medical attention' 🤣 🤣 If so, count another 10 million+ of us, at the very least, as those in need of 'medical attention', because that's how many times this album sold as of 2019.

We miss you, Keith Flint, and thank you for being you ❤️

🤘 🌈 ❤️

Post what you've been listening to that gives you joy, no matter what it is! Don't be shy! And give us some context / your memories as to why you love the song!

EDIT: and another one!



Thank you for bringing so many memories. I had completely forgotten about Prodigy.
I am at work so the only thing I really listen to is Youtube paranormal investigations in the background or some Audible books. It drowns out the silence of my office, although I get the occasional "code" called over the PA system or the phone calls from patients.

When I want to listen to music I have some Wardruna, Heilung and Danheim (which are my go-tos). If I feel festive then there is a radio station in my city that starts Christmas Music on December 1 up until Christmas but I really just listen to that when I'm baking or wrapping gifts.
I thought it would be fun to see what other people are listening to, share the fun :) Human beings are hilarious, and very unique in our ability to make music & to dance, finding joy in frequencies & rhythms that speak to our hearts....when I doubt that, I imagine the deer & racoons rocking out.....not so much LOL

Today - and last night - I have been bouncing around to this, one of my all-time favorites! Anyone else missing the rave / acid house days? 😁 The last time I had actually danced to this was 20 or so years ago with a heavily tattooed / pierced Swedish couple who were on holiday where I was living at the time.....until last night 😁 And no, I didn't break anything! 😂

When this video first came out & was aired on TV, apparently English parents - in England that is, as this is a band from England - were saying this video 'scared' their children and that Keith Flint looked like a man 'in need of urgent medical attention' 🤣 🤣 If so, count another 10 million+ of us, at the very least, as those in need of 'medical attention', because that's how many times this album sold as of 2019.

We miss you, Keith Flint, and thank you for being you ❤️

🤘 🌈 ❤️

Post what you've been listening to that gives you joy, no matter what it is! Don't be shy! And give us some context / your memories as to why you love the song!

EDIT: and another one!



That brought back some memories. I’m guessing it scared more parents than kids. 😂
I listen to Filk music, Lesile Fish, Julian Ekhart and the like.

I haven’t heard of Filk music, it’s nice.
Like @Zoo, my go to is Classic Rock. Generally I listen to my Pandora stations on Sirius, lately AC/DC, Boston or Eagles depends on the level of energy I am looking for.
That brought back some memories. I’m guessing it scared more parents than kids. 😂

I haven’t heard of Filk music, it’s nice.
Like @Zoo, my go to is Classic Rock. Generally I listen to my Pandora stations on Sirius, lately AC/DC, Boston or Eagles depends on the level of energy I am looking for.
It is Science Fiction/Fantasty music. This song is from R, Kipling. Just search her name on YouTube.
Thank you for bringing so many memories. I had completely forgotten about Prodigy.

My god woman....you FORGOT. ABOUT. PRODIGY?!?! 🤯 What in the name of all that is holy ⁉️ 😂 One of the BEST albums ever made :nodding:

Yes, phenomenal memories of dancing outside all night until the sun was coming over the horizon, and watching it slowly illuminate the sky in different colors as we were making angels in the sand (kinda like snow angels)....mind blowing & something I hope to experience again at some point ❤️ Something everyone should have the opportunity to experience at least once in their lives 😊 Although the sand in every crack & crevice once home was another issue altogether LOL

I wish I could share some of the fun I have been having with others who are having a less-than-joyful time....an awesome way to finish off this year & move into new energy 😁

I also listen to trippy stuff like Tom Kenyon & The Hathors, which is on a whole other level hahaha 🤣 Love my meditation stuff as well.

Two little girls, squabbling seems to be my soundtrack for today.:)

Get them vibing to some great music & they may stop squabbling 😁
That brought back some memories. I’m guessing it scared more parents than kids. 😂

Parents have always been known to project their own fears onto their kids LOL

I haven’t heard of Filk music, it’s nice.
Like @Zoo, my go to is Classic Rock. Generally I listen to my Pandora stations on Sirius, lately AC/DC, Boston or Eagles depends on the level of energy I am looking for.

I like Boston too! And The Kinks, The Ramones, Chemical Brothers, Audioslave, Ministry, NIN, Soundgarden, The Cult!! so so many....I seem to be being taken through different periods of my life which were very much impactful for me, which I am finding is helping me to work through some other personal stuff, but in a joyful energy 😊

Energy is definitely the key word....super high intensity dancing & really intense singing are off the charts for me right now....gotta be doing one or the other most days of the week, and often all day long, whether at home, in the car, in public - people don't know how to react when they hear / see others singing in public in non-formal / non-organized situations, which is an interesting phenomena. Try singing even to yourself in a post office lineup or somewhere similar, or even in your own car!, and watch how people behave....it's truly bizarre. As if: unless we are one of the 'famous' & being paid millions to do so, we have no right to be making ourselves heard in this way❓❓ Just make yourself unheard, unseen, acceptable, palatable, fulfill people's expectations.... 🤣 🤌 I have a more 'appropriate' set of fingers for expressing myself but am doing some voluntary self-censoring LOL

Always push the envelope! Defy expectations - your own & those of other people. Enjoy every gift you possess - you do *not* need to be designated as 'talented' by anyone to use your gifts - even if others judge you for doing so. You do not require anyone's permission to express yourself. These are the things which, later in life, we will regret NOT doing :)

Dance like ya got sand in your crack while you still can! :nodding: Sing as if you have the most beautiful voice on the planet....because you do! 😁