Well-Known Member
Just rushed off to cut the cooca butter bar - damn partial gel. Did every thing I could to prevent overheating, maybe too much :roll:
scouter139 said:Holy Moly Judy...wait till Prairie sees your samples in little heart mold! We do ours in the bottom of plastic cups. I'm going to have to ask you what recipe you used that you were able to put them in tiny molds and then add the fragrance. They look beautiful.
Hi scouter139. I got these silicone molds at Target for about 2 bucks. There are 6 cavities per mold and each holds a little over 2 ounces. I do 12 cavities at a time. I put the fragrance in each cavity and then "ta da!" I use my latte frother to mix the fragrance in, cleaning between each sample by giving it a quick pulse in a container of water.