What soapy thing have you done today?

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Still impatiently waiting to cut last nights soap. I just unmolded it...it came out easy...and wet. Stupid tropical storm LOL I lost power earlier, so I went to the pool room. Then they lost power. I'm home now and I have power. But the wind keeps opening my slider door, so I guess I can't set the alarm, cause it would keep going off if the door keeps opening LOL

We haven't even been hit yet, but we are on the east side, so the squalls are bad i guess. This stupid storm is going into the gulf, then does a loopy de loop and comes back. The winds are kinda bad. My slider keeps bowing in. This is nothing to worry about, so don't get worried about me.

And the dog won't pee in the rain. Every time i open the door she's like NNNNooooo. and stares at me.
Figure it out girl LOL. I even walked out first. and she stands at the door like "hows the weather?"
I placed a huge order with WSP for oils and butters then cut my spiced cranberry. The drop swirl came out quite nicely.


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Last night I made another tallow+lard+olive oil+coconut oil bar soap. Poured into individual molds: beehive with bees in, milk cartons, and silicon flower moulds. Played with some yellow for beehives and a flower, red for a flower and a weird-behaving violet for another flower.
Can't wait to unmold!
I'm making another batch with the same ingredients to pour into different individual moulds and also try confetti soap.
Milo v modelčkih 9nov2020 IMG_4190.JPG
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Made another batch with the same ingredients in a slightly tweaked recipe in the morning, and a third batch with only lard, sunflower oil, coconut oil and beeswax cause I ran out of tallow. Now I'm without lard too. I can get lard in any shop but not tallow 😢 And I don't go to shops ...
I used Bergamot FO and lavender EO.
All three batches have been CPOPed, the third one is still in the oven.
It's very unusual for me to make three batches in a row, in fact I've hardly ever done two in a row. Do I have enough of soap making, at least for a day or two?- hm, no.
But the only oils I have at home are olive, sunflower and coconut.
Will see tomorrow what I can do.
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Just got some awful news about the health of a close family member and been walking around like a zombie for two days.
Finally got myself up and moving.
*Cleaned some intense ash off my snowman poops.
*started documenting which pull through plates do what. SO unpredictable! Need to reverse engineer what’s happening in there!
*and two of my worlds came together when I repurposed some broken hunting arrows to support my soaps that I’m finally putting away.

Hug you’re loved ones and tell them you love em!
You are using arrows to hold your round soaps in place. Innovative!

I am sorry about your close family member; I wish you and your family the best.

Soapy stuff: Last week I finally got my latest soap beveled. It took a few days to firm up enough for beveling after the cut.

Today I made some rice congee; also puréed the overcooked rice using my stick blender. The shearing effect of the SB creates such a fine purée; smooth as jello (I'd say silk, but ...) I am hoping to find the time to make a triple rice soap, that Dawni & others have been raving about.

I am not quite sure when I will be able to fit soapmaking into my day, but I really need to find the time, even if only one batch.
For the last two days I’ve been going through my recipes from the last year and reread and sorted out and checked out all my soaps . I’ve been restudying the oils and the fatty acids. ( I think I have about 300...😳😩) I’ve learned so much from this forum. My intent is to tweak and move forward when I’m finished rewriting all my notes. Thanks all!
I ran out of lye and am still waiting for my order. Dont even have anything to cut, so no soapy thing today. So i guess catching up on here will have to count lol. Maybe i will watch a few yt videos.
Cut the soap I made yesterday. It was a failure all around: from mica mixing problems; then I left a plastic spoon in the measured FO while the lye cooled for a few hours and it started to dissolve the spoon, making the FO cloudy; then I decided to try mica lines but my batter was too thin and I had already added the FO and didn't want to risk it setting up out of the mold so I just kept pouring. Then when I cut it this morning and was carrying the cut bars to the drying shelf in the basement I dropped the whole batch and it smashed on the concrete floor. I for sure will not be giving away any of THIS batch! 😂😂😂

Tying up tags n soaps tonight... Chatted on IG with the lovely @Catscankim while I did some earlier. Who else wants to chat lol I rather enjoyed that....

I for sure will not be giving away any of THIS batch! 😂😂😂

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Still very pretty soap though :)

A friend mailed me some loofahs she grew. They SO cool!!! They’re not really a big enough diameter for a slice to fit in a 3” individual cavity round mold. Any other ideas of how I can use them?
String em n offer them with your soap like a bundle deal thingy. How narrow are they? Maybe they can still fit inside soap, they just have to use more of the soap before reaching the loofah lol
I did go to a shop in the vicinity, during the non-rush hour, and bought lard + more coconut oil.
Another batch of CP soap is underway 🧼🧼
So I probably shouldn't write this out loud but
A friend mailed me some loofahs she grew.
@TashaBird's post really set me aback. Whaddaya mean "grew" loofah? I've never thought about the origins of loofahs and I guess I just thought they magically appeared in stores. Now I feel like my 12 year old niece when we gave her corn on the cob for the first time and she didn't know what it was!😬
I finally FINALLY got around to ordering prescription safety glasses, which I picked up today. I have 30 days to test them out and return them if they don't suffice. So I have to make soap!

Trying them out in the office, I wasn't as pleased with them as I was hoping for; in fact, I can see better using my OTC reading glasses. The problem is of course, readers aren't safety glasses. The other problem is the height from which I was reading vs the height from which I read my recipe when making soap.

The only way I'll know if they are satisfactory is to make soap while wearing them and finding out if I can read my soap recipe while at my worktable.
So I probably shouldn't write this out loud but
@TashaBird's post really set me aback. Whaddaya mean "grew" loofah? I've never thought about the origins of loofahs and I guess I just thought they magically appeared in stores. Now I feel like my 12 year old niece when we gave her corn on the cob for the first time and she didn't know what it was!😬
Don't feel too bad. I still remember when I gained the same knowledge and I too was blown away. I somehow made it 30+ years thinking loofahs grew in the ocean. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea. :hippo:
So I probably shouldn't write this out loud but
@TashaBird's post really set me aback. Whaddaya mean "grew" loofah? I've never thought about the origins of loofahs and I guess I just thought they magically appeared in stores. Now I feel like my 12 year old niece when we gave her corn on the cob for the first time and she didn't know what it was!😬
It's a vegetable Mr. Zing! When it's ripe it becomes fibrous but when it's younger not so, and is edible. Here we call the veggie, patola :)