What soapy thing have you done today?

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These are beautiful @lenarenee! My favourite one is the blue/green/white one. Welcome back to soaping, and to being human ;)
This one's my favorite as well. Welcome back!

So.. I had some free time and was playing around with pics hehe.. The progression of my HP Castile - trace, small volcano, mashed potatoes, gelled and molded and last pic is right before I cut.

Bigger pics and the cut bars here!
My Marie Kondo-influenced wife influenced me to tidy my supplies. I discovered recently a coworker makes lotion and he's researching cold process soap. In case he wants it I packed a bag of funnels, molds, rose & orange blossom waters, wheat germ oil, etc. Gave my old melt and pour molds to the neighbor girls. Turned one batch, boxed another batch.
I became a soap maker again this week after more than a year of a forced hiatus!

All new recipes. I can't tell you how good it feels to be human again!!View attachment 38016 View attachment 38017 View attachment 38018 (Yes, this means the renovation is almost over) I would insert every crazy celebratory emoji here, but I'm on my phone and its midnight. So how about pics instead??

very very nice!!! glad you can finally do what makes you happy!!!
My Marie Kondo-influenced wife influenced me to tidy my supplies. I discovered recently a coworker makes lotion and he's researching cold process soap. In case he wants it I packed a bag of funnels, molds, rose & orange blossom waters, wheat germ oil, etc. Gave my old melt and pour molds to the neighbor girls. Turned one batch, boxed another batch.
Does your wife not like the rose water, or are you giving the extras? My mom loves hers.. I'd like it better if it didn't smell the way it does lol but we like touching our faces after using it as a toner hehehe
Just paid my dues to SMF, (Didn't realize there were dues, haha but well worth it.) I am tax challenged today and working on both personal and my business fed taxes, UGH! First time for my business as I just got my LLC in August. I love following all of you and your soaping talk. Once all this paperwork is over with back to soaping! Just got two new accounts. One for guest soaps for a B&B and another for a Hair Salon and Spa. Just like I like, relatively small orders for artisan soaps!
Work is slow today, so I was offered the day off!! Tried yin/yang soap again today and it actually works if you remember to remove the divider XD Scented in Ginger & Lime from Nurture and it smells amaaaazing. Currently waiting for lunch to be ready and browsing Steph's Micas & More to see what else soap-related I can spend my money on.
Thank you everyone. I was relieved to see my skills didn't get too rusty!

My new palm, butter, lard recipe works very well for swirling and I'm surprised. Previously I could make one huge (well...huge for me!) of batter that gave me time to divide, scent, color 3 different soaps. The new recipe gives me about half as much time - but it's enough.

Cutting 2 more loaves today. Hopefully making 3 more loaves today.
I became a soap maker again this week after more than a year of a forced hiatus!
Those are stunning @lenarenee I'll take one of each ;)

I made one batch of soap this weekend. Acceleration seems to be a theme for all of my soaps lately. The soap turned out fine and smells amazing, so if (when) I repeat it I'll be better prepared to handle it. I cut it today at lunch, so I'll bevel and stamp the bars tonight before they go on the cure rack. Life is a bit crazy right now - April was NOT supposed to be a busy month for me, but here it is and I'm swamped, so I'm just going to tackle lip balms and sugar scrubs for a few weeks until life straightens itself out.
I brought in a narrow shelf that I made and had stored in the garage and cleaned off the book shelf in the area I soap in. got the micas and scents out of the boxes and put on the shelf so I can see what I have with out having to go thru the boxes. And just generally put all soap making stuff in their new home--looks a lot less cluttered, whew, cuz it was starting to get to me. now I just have to find a new home for my books :)
Cut one, but still waiting on a late bloomer to harden up.

Made 7.5 lb batch to fill 3 molds. Bb grapefruit Bellini had time for itp swirl but did accelerate a bit. CC Bourbon tobacco gave me time to take a nap! Did 3 color layers and had to leave it to work on the last loaf....CC bonsai, just a 3 color itp because I get tired of making choices.

That’s 9 soaps this past week.
Cut one, but still waiting on a late bloomer to harden up.

Made 7.5 lb batch to fill 3 molds. Bb grapefruit Bellini had time for itp swirl but did accelerate a bit. CC Bourbon tobacco gave me time to take a nap! Did 3 color layers and had to leave it to work on the last loaf....CC bonsai, just a 3 color itp because I get tired of making choices.

That’s 9 soaps this past week.
You’re on fire!:D
1. Added a soap page to my blog..nothing really there yet, but the shell looks good.
2. Made my 1st batch of soap with coconut milk...sped up trace quite a bit. Soap is predominantly white with planned swirls of burnt orange and navy blue. I have no idea how it will cut. I need some of Kiwi’s “disaster luck” on this one. It’s cool here today and going into the mid 30’s tonight, so I just left it outside to hopefully prevent over-heating.

Here’s the cut pics. SO. Much better than I feared

1st Coconut Bars
Just paid my dues to SMF, (Didn't realize there were dues, haha but well worth it.) I am tax challenged today and working on both personal and my business fed taxes, UGH! First time for my business as I just got my LLC in August. I love following all of you and your soaping talk. Once all this paperwork is over with back to soaping! Just got two new accounts. One for guest soaps for a B&B and another for a Hair Salon and Spa. Just like I like, relatively small orders for artisan soaps!

Since you're new here please be sure to go over to the introduction forum and tell us a little about yourself. Welcome!

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