What happens if you do two soaps on one day with the same fragrance? Or isn't this a tracking number?
It is, actually. The first one (original batch) will be YYYYMMDDFRA and each subsequent batch on the same day with the same fragrance will be -1, -2, -3 etc. So, if I have 20160513CAN-5 that would be the SIXTH batch of soap made on May 13, 2016 with Cannabis Flower fragrance oil. (Like I'd ever make another batch of dead shrimp soap!)
The part where it would be tricky is if I make soaps on the same day with similar named fragrance oils: Black Canyon and Black Tie. There will be a problem with determining which BLA is which. So, I'll either not do something like that (which makes the most sense) or add the first letter of the second word to the lot number to distinguish them, BLA-C for Black Canyon and BLA-T for Black Tie (then I run into Black Tie vs Black Tuxedo).
Right now I'm not too worried about it because I'm not selling yet. I just want to get used to the idea of assigning lot numbers to every batch of soap I make so it will be an ingrained habit. I need to buy a new computer. Right now, I'm on a 4 GB laptop that is specifically made for WiFi and web surfing. My desktop is about 5 or 6 years old and running on Vista. I can't even download most new software.
I was originally thinking of getting a Mac laptop. But that was before I ever thought of selling soap. So now I realize I'm going to need to get something that is Windows compatible to be able to successfully use the Soapmaker Software (and make life easier for myself). From what I've read about it, I can enter my supplies, including
their lot numbers, manufacturing info and expiration dates, and incorporate that info into
my recipes and lot numbers. So I'll know that lot number XYZ was made with these specific oils, by these specific manufacturers (who assigned lot numbers to their products) and had expiration dates of ???. I'm assuming I will never need that information. However, just in case I do, it will be readily available for every product I have.
I could create a database or spreadsheet with this info, but I don't think Alpha 4 is available anymore. I'm too stubborn to learn Excel and Access and far too cheap to pay for it.