What soapy thing have you done today?

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I mixed my lye water & oils (after getting my cocoa butter in the mail from Brambleberry & the requested samples) for making a batch of soap in the morning everything is ready to go! I'll be making Island Escape...I had saved a previous sample & requested another even though they were out of stock at the time. I did give them a backup choice, then was sent both with my order.
I made a double boiler HP soap today. I've only made a HP one other time and it was about five years ago when I first started making soap. I was very nervous today and was researching like crazy, had about four tabs open on my computer in case I needed to reference something quickly. But it went swimmingly (easy, in fact), and I was able to pour it <shock>. I haven't cut them yet, but, man...I might have to do this more often! :)

REALLY?? Can you tell me what sites you were using as guides and what your water content was? I love to HP but it's always plopped into the molds. Way too thick to pour. I've noticed oven process is more fluid than the crockpot, though. Thanks.

Today I rebatched a stinky tallow soap that didn't have any scent in it. Apparently when you do tallow at 50% you need to scent it or else you get a funky smell that lingers.

I also unboxed my haul from Columbus Oils, 50# lard, 14# coconut oil, 7# castor oil, and 7# of sodium lactate. My 76 degree CO is still 100% liquid, and it is 11:48 PM. Which means it is way past my bedtime. G'night, all.
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REALLY?? Can you tell me what sites you were using as guides and what your water content was? I love to HP but it's always plopped into the molds. Way too thick to pour. I've noticed oven process is more fluid than the crockpot, though. Thanks.

Today I rebatched a stinky tallow soap that didn't have any scent in it. Apparently when you do tallow at 50% you need to scent it or else you get a funky smell that lingers.

I also unboxed my haul from Columbus Oils, 50# lard, 14# coconut oil, 7# castor oil, and 7# of sodium lactate. My 76 degree CO is still 100% liquid, and it is 11:48 PM. Which means it is way past my bedtime. G'night, all.

Hey, Teresa!
These are the sites I was using as references:





The main thing that helped me was that when it gets to the Vaseline stage (where all of it is gelled), quick do a zap test and a ph test then pour it.
Also, my recipe was very plain and unusual so that could have something to do with it. Here's my recipe:

Coconut oil: 47.61oz
Sunflower seed oil: 21.15oz
Lye: 11.64oz
Water: 26.46oz
Salt: 2.1oz

Hope that helps!
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First Ever Hanger Swirl

I cut my first ever hanger swirl this morning. Super excited about how it turned out - I think it's even a little butterfly-esque!

Orange Patch Hanger.jpg
I made a batch of 'Island escape' soap! my house smells so yummy! I put it to bed & am trying to leave it alone, I've peaked a few times & I think it's leaking oil, I'll let it reabsorb, & it will be fine, I tried adding the FO before the lye, so this may be why it's leaking oil. I do have it in a cardboard box to let it gel.
I cut my first ever hanger swirl this morning. Super excited about how it turned out - I think it's even a little butterfly-esque!

Oh wow!! That's stunning!!

I've made my Ebru soap for the challenge tonight - just the one attempt for me this month as I don't have time to try more.

I also got the email to say my soap cutter is ready and will be delivered tomorrow!!

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1434051807.098092.jpg
So despite me giving the delivery company instructions of a safe place to leave my cutter they haven't so have to wait till Monday!!
After several days of non-stop MMORPG gaming, I decided to get off my sore butt and make some soap today lol. I just got in a new EO blend that I wanted to try out, so did a light green base, a purple mica line, and topped with white and cornflowers. It smells wonderful and I can't wait to cut it!


I've just finished packing up some gift bags for friends' birthdays. Including my mini dessert soaps from last months challenge and a favourite rose and geranium soap - tonight I made shampoo bars, conditioner, bath salts and lip glosses to add to the gifts. Phew - time for bed now!
After several days of non-stop MMORPG gaming, I decided to get off my sore butt and make some soap today lol. I just got in a new EO blend that I wanted to try out, so did a light green base, a purple mica line, and topped with white and cornflowers. It smells wonderful and I can't wait to cut it!

I love your soaps!!!! So creamy and lush looking!
I made several soaps this week and even piped a loaf on top for the first time.

Really though people I am sick of of trying really cool swirls. I have tried the Peacock, the Mantra (I found out after on here that I didn't cut the Mantra right) and a few others. I failed at them all with the exception of a drop swirl and a hanger swirl. At first my batches would get to thick and I did a lot of plop swirls.
Then I tweaked my recipe and used only FOs that behave very well and then I was molding and swirling when it was way to thin.
The videos on youtube make it look so easy. Even the tutorials don,t mention what trace they should be at for different techniques.
So now I think I am going to stink with one color or two if you count TD. Plus I would like to do some color nekked soaps. I have seen some gorgeous naked soaps.
The first pic is Sweet Pea and Blueberry cream Goat's milk.
Second pic Peppermint candy and Mojito.


Right-handed batches :)

My left hand is out of commission...lol... but I really, really wanted to make soap. So I managed a couple batches of HP. One is Butterfly Kisses, with a green, purple and pink hanger swirl. The other, although it doesn't show in this pic, is a blue green and blue ITP swirl with an Ocean Fresh scent.



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