What soapy thing have you done today?

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I did a new soap! but, tragedy, I thought my pencil lines were thin enough, the colours came out beautifully, the scent is lovely, but the layers are seperating
ah well,

I made LS paste!
I got flying bubbles!
I made 3 bonehead mistakes and fixed them up and everything seems to have worked out!
Thank you IrishLass!

I will dilute later and see if it really worked.
I also made LS paste yesterday boyago. I used the cold process method that susie posted. I managed to dissolve my KOH much better in the glycerine this time thanks to irishlass too. This forum is a wealth of useful info. Thanks to everyone who contributed, my soaping journey would be so much more of a disaster without you all!
I think they are lovely too dragon girl, could u stick them back together with a thin layer of fresh batted maybe? Not sure if that would hold though.
This is a post from my Facebook page. I posted this Friday.

I now have a "soap club." Several people from work have agreed to test my soaps. My UPS driver asked what I was doing this weekend & when I told him, he asked for a bar. Add another to the soap club. I was at Publix looking for activated charcoal and the pharmacist was helping me. Add another to the soap club. This is great. I'll be able to make soap & have fun with it. I won't have soap all over the house. I'll have a diverse group of people saying what works and what doesn't. I won't keep bugging the same two or three people over and over again and again. And, through word of mouth, I may build a client base for when I actually begin selling.
Well, using my soap EO's that have that camphor essence, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemongrass, I made a shampoo/dip for my chickens. All 7 girls have a pretty bad red mite infestation and a broody hen that is malnourished because she rarely leaves her nest is particularly in trouble. Her comb is pale and she is very underweight despite the fresh lettuce, chard, and kale I bring her. To get rid of the coop infestation, I used a cinnamon essential oil plus other oils in combo. The cinnamon oil was sitting on the shelf without purpose since it is not useable for skin due to allergies, but per a test, it will kill mites on the spot. The coop spray is as follows: In a 32 oz spray bottle add 1/2 cup of home-made liquid soap (can also use dish detergent used for hand washing dishes), 1T cinnamon oil, 1 T rosemary oil, 1 T lemon eucalyptus oil and filled to volume with tap water, shook well. For the chicken dip, I used Tea Tree floral water, 2 cups, 1 teaspoon tea tree, 1 teaspoon rosemary oil, 1 teaspoon eucalyptus oil, and 1-2 Tablespoons liquid soap, diluted all to 3 gallons. Coop and chickens smell lovely and the mites are in control. I'll post a follow up in 2 weeks. If it doesn't work, it's going to be Ivermectin and Wazine per chicken forum advice.
On a side note, I also use the cinnamon oil mixed with dish detergent to wash hardwood floors as a flea, ant, roach deterrent and I love the subtle smoky cinnamon smell. The oil was a gift from a supplier and I can afford no more. When it runs out, cedarwood, eucaplyptus, lemongrass, or rosemary oil used in 1 teaspoon per 2 teaspoons soap soft will replace it. Sometimes I also add d-limonene or orange oil at 1 teaspoon to the detergent since this is a great cleaner and good for wood. Also made a huge batch of soaps per a request for wedding favors. 122 bars! I'm a busy girl!!
The clay is hanging onto moisture and causing a slip, I'm currently seeing if letting it get a chance to dry out fixes it, but I wont be doing that again

on the other hand I'm eying the sale over at wsp today
Made a 4.5 lb loaf of different shades of brown. Figured my fragrance smells like it has Vanilla in it so why not work with it instead of against it (Grandma's Kitchen). Will cut it this evening. I used cocoa powder, natural soap color, added some pink clay just to see what happens. I put in a little titanium dioxide in a small amount of batter with no fragrance also to see what happens. Next soap is going to be midsummer night FO for the guys. I am repeating a popular recipe that my husband just loves. Usually he commenders the whole batch. I am going to save a few out this time to cure and sell in the shop.
Did you re do the top luv or did you manage to rescue it? It looks fantastic. Love the embeds :)

I was able to rescue the top from the lid. I was still soft so I was able to reattach it (for the most part). I'll have to see how the embeds do because I didn't realize that MP can 'sweat' until someone mentioned it to me yesterday. So we'll see how it holds up. I had a LOT of fun with this one! It means so much to have you guys all say that you think it's good. Thanks for all you do!!!
after infusing some grapeseed oil with honeysuckle blossoms 3 times, I soaped with it this morning. I added the other oils & butters, kaolin clay, coconut flour, finely ground oatmeal, & heavy cream, brought to a thin trace then added the infused oils, I soaped at 68 F. The batter was smooth, & flowed nicely, I drizzled swirled..then spoon swirled with a chopstick. I'm not expecting to keep the scent from the honeysuckle, it would be nice if a tiny hint of it sticks (I did use 1 tbsp ppo of kaolin clay to see if that helps it stick some)

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