I found it. It was the Browsing Soap Pics, actual soap. I didn’t start that one.Your's is the first post; that usually indicates the person who started the thread is the first post in the thread. So I'm confused. Soap Inspiration Pictures (non soap)
Is there another one?
I have not gone over the mold height, when I pour, so I can't help you there. But I can help you avoid it if you want. You've probably already figured this one out on your own, but if I end up with extra batter, I put it into an individual mold.
I keep a couple single soap individual molds on hand just for the occasional overflow.
As for insulating soap that is close to the rim or has raised piping, an inverted cardboard box is a suitable cover to protect the top of the soap.
That good feeling after you have a good run making a batch of soap, is SO good!
But that bad feeling when you don’t think it is going to work out, is SO bad!
I just told DH that I was splurging on a more expensive EO on this batch because it was supposed to be really special. That was a rookie mistake I guess. If you want your batter to stay runny FOREVER try clary sage! Good grief!!! Doing a pull through I’m on a tight schedule usually. It was almost impossible to make myself slow down. I was cleaning up, shaking the bottles, singing Tom Petty the waiting is the hardest part.... That stuff just did NOT want to thicken! Hoping it’s not just a big blur.