So my son finally 'fessed up. On his 21st birthday he got 21 dares. He left a bar of my soap with my phone number on it in the lone bathroom of a dive bar. I think that, um...beverages...were involved. Some people's kids!!So to truly appreciate this, you'd have to know my son and his unique sense of humor. In recent days I've been getting several texts from unknown numbers from faraway states I've never been to or know anyone from and the messages are like "need some soap" "where's the soap" "blacksoap son won't you come, wash away the rain" etc. At first I was a little freaked because I guard my phone number and this forum is my only online presence. Then I realized my college boy is punking me -- he's probably just grabbing his friends' phones and texting me. Some people's kids.... I've replied that my son is grounded and full of BS and study break is over. The texts continue....