I am finally make soap tonight. Its been a while
How did you package them. It is great to have kid stuff, they tend to drag over the parents!@cmzaha I do recommend the bubble doughs after all. I sold more of them today than soap. Kids would see the bright colours and come over, parents commented how they are good stocking stuffers and loved that it was something different they haven't seen before.
What fun! Thanks for sharing! Heading over to Dunkin' Donuts now... hungry for a chocolate cake donut with icing & sprinkles!Here are some new soap I created this year within the past 3 weeks.
Have been mia for a while. Here are some new soap I created this year within the past 3 weeks. Being a nurse manager is taking alot of my life. Really deciding to move back to bedside cares.[/QUOTE
I love your soaps! They are beautiful and quite creative. I hope making soap helps you tune out the stress in your life that I know you must be feeling. I was an ICU nurse for several years, then became a CRNA in the Air Force. As an officer I had leadership responsibilities thrust upon me early on in my career. But we also had years of formal leadership training to go with it. Anyway, there’s nothing like bedside nursing although our current system tries its best to keep nurses away from the bedside with mountains of administrivia, EHRs, and countless committees. I know being a nurse manager is one of the most difficult jobs on the planet and oftentimes you feel like you have no real friends to turn to. Plus the healthcare system as a whole is a wreck. If you haven’t already, take a look at https://www.kevinmd.com He curates a blog with articles by physicians and nurses that will resonate with you. After decades of extremely hard work and service to others, I’m so very glad I’m retired now. I pray you will find strength through God’s help to make it to that point also.Have been mia for a while. Here are some new soap I created this year within the past 3 weeks. Being a nurse manager is taking alot of my life. Really deciding to move back to bedside cares.
How did you package them. It is great to have kid stuff, they tend to drag over the parents!
Definitely not bad @msunnerstood.. Quite cute, in fact. Reminds me of a cozy sweater.....
Since Im not entering this months challenge, last night I mad my 4th and final attempt at last months challenge in HP.
I think it turned out great! I love its patriotic colors.
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Not exactly what I was going for but not bad either
Thank you Marnie!@tspin Your soaps are gorgeous!! Well done!
Made a batch of oatmilk soap based on a recipe from Kiwimoose.
Kitchen didn't go up in flames, it's in the mould and it's not trying to get out and attack the cat, so all's well.
And thanks, Kiwimoose
Hope you're not putting too much of that BS into your bombs!I made a batch of bath bombs. only about half of them didn't crack in half--but I think I know what I did wrong. it went much better than the kit I tried--haha they didn't grow out of the mold and get all pockey looking. And I THINK I learned a few things!!!! Now I need to go get some more BS to try again this morning.