Thank you for all your comments. I was using the term ‘salt bar’ loosely, meaning a soap bar with salt. My recipe uses pre-dissolved sea salt. When I make another batch I will use my original EVOO and see if that makes a difference. (Thank you, Nona’s Farm).
The recipe I’ve been using is from Lovely Greens.
I’ve only been making soap for about 10 years so still have a lot to learn and only make it for family and friends. I have been curing my soaps for at least 3 weeks but usually 4 weeks; even if I try a bit after a few days my hands do not react - my friends have not had any of the young soap so no worries there. I keep a record of every soap I make with recipes and comments. (I used to do the same for my country wines (my mother’s wine records go back to 1954.)).
I read this from Brambleberry:
Curing: Technically, cold process soap is safe to use after a few days. However, we recommend letting the soap cure for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dry place with good airflow. Excess water will evaporate, which creates harder and milder bars that last longer in the shower. It' s definitely worth the wait.
Interestingly, I added pure indigo powder to my first batch of soleseife, which turned the batter blue-grey, however, the next day the soap was white with no hint of colour. I generally don’t bother about the colour of soap but thought that blue might be nice for a sea soap; I won’t bother next time.
Thank you, all, for your responses.