Today I'm off to get coconut oil because I feel like soaping. Made some shampoo bars the other day, we were getting low so I'm replenishing.
Don't know what kind of soap I'll make today, we'll see once I see what I have for oils.
ETA: I made three batches of soap today:
Spearmint & Eucalyptus (and did what I thought might turn out to be a butterfly swirl - though I didn't do it the way that it's traditionally done (with two bars, mirror image of each other, beside each other to make the butterfly. I tried to butterfly right in each bar... so we'll see how THAT turns out! If nothing else, I just hope it looks nice.) But now I kick myself, I should have used some alkanet root to throw some purple in there....
Cedarwood, Fir Needle & Juniper - because this is one of my favourite combinations, and I haven't made it in a while. Super fine ground oatmeal, and french green clay to colour it.
And lastly.... I soaped with "Oak Barrel Cider" from NDA today and it smells SUPER appley (which is actually quite nice. I like it a lot better in the soap, than OOB). At first I wasn't going to use it, because I have a FO that I love for appley soaps - but I think this one replaces that... only downside is absolutely no time for swirling - so it's layered. Oh well. We'll see how it looks when it's cut.