Well-Known Member
I'll have to try HP pretty soon. I like the unplanned, amalgamated-type look the cut bars seem to have with that process.
Is it necessary to have a separate crock pot for soaping? What is the consensus on this forum about that?
I did buy a tall SS pot at ARC store recently for HP (either planned or emergency HP fix of a CP disaster, should I have one occur), but many people seem to say HP is safer and perhaps more controllable in a crock pot/slow cooker.
You clearly havnt had a fo sieze on you yet using cp lmao that makes hp look tidy.
iv just mixed the lye and measure out the oils and butters for a 3 loaf batch going to try red and white stripes iv got a plan b if it doesnt work in which case its not a soap to represent my club colours it just happens to be red and white