What soapy thing have you done today?

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Credit given, lol!! And I hope your visit was alright.. we are in the middle of winter here - I had a late queen emerge before a death, then we moved 500kms north, so I'm worried about them.. but I was happy to see some life the other day when I installed another candy board!

I didnt end up going because it was absolutly lashing it down so going to try get there on a dry day last thing they need is me opening the hive while its raining hard AND cold.

Im just hoping my queen is still there the way they have attacked me and someone else also a beekeeper makes me nervous that shes buggered off and died because they arnt normally that cranky but the same person who got attacked while just having a nosey at the hive got phoned by the land owner because he thought he had seen the queen on the floor at the front of the hive and she saw some brood so fingers crossed i just annoyed them she was last years queen so should hopfully be ok think it was just a drone infront of the hive that hes seen and thought it was the queen. I only got them in late june and put my first super on in later july early august and by beginning september the super was all drawn and 3/4 full and was completely full by time winter kicked in.

Only honey i got this year was a little cheeky scoop with my hive tool to test was proper yummy i buy local honey for putting on my morning porrage omg its so tasty with lovely local honey on.
I had my first ever seizure yesterday! And averted a volcano, I think. About 8 am I made a small batch of 1/2 water-goat milk, rose clay and some BB Flowerchild FO in a 1# mold for myself. (OO, CO, AO, Castor Oil and a wee bit of SL) Worked great, it accidentally started gelling before I could get it to the frig, since I had sat it on an old hot mitt and covered the top with cardboard while I did a quick clean up, no biggie, I let it go. So... I made a 2.5# batch of the same recipe, 4 colors-plain, TD, 2 blue water micas with BB Salty Mariner FO (slightly accelerates the bottle says) for my son. Oy yoi, what a disaster. Or so I thought...

When I made the clay soap, my lye water was cool, about 90. My oils were about 110, but I added goat milk in right out of the frig to the oil, which must have cooled the oils down. Mixed it, added FO, split it colored it, poured it, swirled it with a stick, ta-da.

Got up today and easily unmolded the rose clay, cut it, beautiful! It was pretty darn firm for a milk soap after only 24 hrs. Turned the blue soap upside down to begin prying on it and it fell right out of the mold. Was gonna chop it into pieces with my hand slicer, but I cut it into bars and well, it looked really nice, sure there's some inclusions from the plop and drop but I just had to slice off the tops (which I did a teeny-tiny rebatch cook with already and threw into a mold) and the blue soap still looks great!

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BOTH of these look absolutely gorgeous! I especially like the blue one.
I seem to be making a batch a day at the moment some better than others. Just made another batch this time with vanilla fo it slightly accelerated but was perfect amount for doing swirls AND a lovely textured top aswell.

Its a pretty bad photo but if you zoom into it you can see all the swirls and licks better. very happy eith how it turned out so excited to get 2 lovely looking batches done


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I made a Vanilla/Lavender body butter for my daughter last night (for Christmas, by request). I also made both of us a conditioning hair oil.. will whip up some beard oil for hubby today, and am hoping to brave the waters of lotion crafting over my holidays..
Today I am starting a new line of Liquid Hand Soaps. Going to make them from scratch by making up my paste from which I eventually will make my finished product. Purchased a good book and have been doing a lot of reading.
Which book did you get? I purchased two liquid soapmaking books this week. but with Christmas on my mind, I'm having a hard time getting into them.
Cut into last night batch to see how hard it was if it was ready to cut properly.


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I made a soap for March, using CC's Wild Clover and Willow. This puts me comfortably on schedule for my soap of the month club, which means I can work a bit on my breweries. I also made a rootbeer soap for the church's fundraising box. I used BCN's Rootbeer, and right now it does NOT smell like rootbeer. Otherwise I've been busy getting my soaps labeled. I rented a booth at the local peddler's market, so I need to have a removeable price tag/booth id. I'm hoping today or tomorrow to have time to do an oatmeal, honey buttermilk soap, scented with OMH from M&M. I also need to get a batch of bubble scoops done for my nieces Christmas gifts.
^ Oh what beautiful colours @Chris_S!

Thank you :) I surprised it turned out that well tbh because the fo did accelerate more than i had hoped it would but tried to carry on without panicing.

Just been having a little play while in a bored but also cba mood so took a few pics of a beer soap candle and wax melts. They arnt even close scent wise i just grabbed whatever i had closest to me and i just wanted to know how it would look in the little box i have. Needs work but pretty happy :)


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Finally made another soap. It's been over 6 weeks since I've had the time and motivation. Work has been really killing me lately with everyone needing to get their surgeries before the first of the year for insurance reasons. We're equipped and staffed to handle 25-30 cases on a daily basis comfortably but we've been doing upwards of 40 most days, working past our 7pm "closing" time until midnight or even later. Unfortunately, we're only losing staff and those of us who are still there are getting our butts kicked.

All that is to say that I've finally made another soap - NG Nectarine & Mint. I really can't smell the mint in the FO, but it's a lovely fruity one. Simple two-color ITP swirl and I'll cut it tomorrow. Got to enjoy family this weekend and we have a couple more days coming up of Christmas festivities. Hopefully I'll get to make plenty more soap once the holidays are over.

Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season!!