Whipped up some of my cream soap base in order to make some salt scrub. I have no luck with foaming bath base so going back to my original cream soap based scrub.
Tweaked my E Stick labels so will get them labeled.
I am panicking with all I have to do before my big craft fair starting the day after Thanksgiving. Will be returning next week I think to the parents. Wow, I am not even sure how long I have been home, but I think Thursday makes week 2. Guess I will be hauling a lot of soap to the parents to get it labeled
![1022181233_HDR[1].jpg 1022181233_HDR[1].jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/soapmakingforum/data/attachments/29/29568-27c2ec8a5534c0aa03e760166d4e0f27.jpg)
Tweaked my E Stick labels so will get them labeled.
I am panicking with all I have to do before my big craft fair starting the day after Thanksgiving. Will be returning next week I think to the parents. Wow, I am not even sure how long I have been home, but I think Thursday makes week 2. Guess I will be hauling a lot of soap to the parents to get it labeled