You cannot make true ABS it is made in the tribes in Africa, and sorry, I feel it should be left for them since it is their soap. I know many will disagree and if you do make it make call it something different. I do sell ABS soap, but purchase from an Importer which imports it in from Ghana. There is no way of knowing what the true ingredients are and what the percentages are since many of the ABS does not have actual labeling. Some that do come with labeling are High is Shea, Some high in PKO (no coconut) and most have high CO. I actually do not care for the soap, but have several customers that love it. Have you used ABS? If not how do you know you are duplicating it if you have not tried it. I understand you are in the UK but it can even be purchased on Amazon. Keep in mind there is no set recipe for ABS even in Ghana, they use passed done recipes and each tribe has their own recipes. There are many versions of it but I find the darker brown mottled to be better than the light brown version
I am not trying to make you mad it is just that I do not feel we should try to duplicate the Tribal Ladies soap. They work over hot pots for many hours making it and I am sure even with exporting it, by the time they get paid it is not much money to them. JMP..