Yay!! sounds like you're getting over your slump!!
Yay!! sounds like you're getting over your slump!!![]()
I've been looking at soap photos online. I am not particularly fond of round soap, but rimmed soap does interest me. So I started looking for non-round rimmed soaps and there are some lovely ones that are square or rectangular rimmed soaps. Maybe I will try that one day instead of round ones. I think what would work really well would be to use a column mold rather, perhaps a quart sized milk carton as a tall mold and lining the outer edges. I've never been tempted to buy a vertical mold because they are so expensive. Maybe if I try it once and like it I will be tempted to buy one, if I can find one at a reasonable price.
My plumeria scent finally got here, and I was pushing the limits on Valentine's Day, so I very quickly made a tropical-hued plumeria soap for my mother.
This is mostly-lard (coconut and castor round it out), with just a dash of coconut scent added to invoke that tropical beach note...
amd, I even tried bidding on ebay for a vertical mold, but lost. That's okay, the bidding war went higher than I really wanted to go anyway. I'll use half & half milk container probably, unless I can find something more suitable before that. I should probably build my own, right?
I got this http://a.co/8VuDYtJ delivered and loaded it up with soap. It sways a bit on carpet when loaded, but I won’t be moving it much. I’ve got about 30 pounds loaded now. It’s pretty sturdy standing upright and the mesh on the shelves is very fine so shouldn’t mark up the soft soap. The best part is I paid for it with my rebates from Ibotta...free $!
I have the same one I got at ikea for 14 bucks! Is on a corner in my closet.
However, may I suggest you put some paper or cardboard under the soap? it should not be touching metal.
That’s a good suggestion. I haven’t had a problem in the past with painted metal but it can’t hurt.