Made my first ever Goat Milk Soap. So far, so good. Hoping this post doesn't have to move to the "What soapy mistake have you made today...." thread. :think:
I Piped my 1st soap and I am so proud of it. 1st time piping anything to be honest.
And ... anyone that's interested ... it's not just raining down the east coast of Australia. It's a set of storms (major rain) coming in from two sides. And I'm an Olive Oil soaper. Sheesh. Anyone that soaps this knows that it goes to goop with a storm front on the way ... and there's two! And I'm doing a demo ...
Did I mention I've found a really cool thing to do with olive oil soap (that gets all funny and goopy about setting in stormy conditions)? ...
Still soaping ...
Olive oil soap gets goopy? When you're mixing? That sounds both fascinating and appalling.
Yes, it is.
Oh please tell me you have pictures?? Or even video?
I'd love to see this incredible transformation!
Soap gel on a spoon ... under one month old, so various testing/replication to be done yet.
(The rules of the "game" I set myself was, other than the lye itself, there are no things that are chemically processed). Most of the oils are cold-pressed and/or organic, with the exception of castor oil, which is BP grade (I would not like to get cold-pressed of this oil).