What soapy thing have you done today?

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I made my beer soap yesterday and cut it this morning. I added crushed hops pellets to the second half of the batter.
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Today I make my first shaving soap from Songwind's recipe!
Dishes. So. Many. Soap dishes.

This is clearly the downside to the feather swirl challenge - washing off dividers, extra color cups, and all that paraphernalia!
Yesterday, I put together a recipe and made it. This morning, I unmolded and cut it. It's nice and hard and wasn't easy to cut. I thought it would gel completely but, as you can see, I got partial gel. Oh well. I scented it with Rosewood e.o. and coloured it just a touch with a bit of red palm kernel oil.

[/url]rosewood soap by Ev Skae, on Flickr[/IMG]

I'm looking forward to trying this one.
Got my five batches done. The pine tar batch ... is pine tar. The only notable thing about that one was I stopped stirring soon enough (for once!) so I was actually able to pour the batter into the mold, rather than spoon it in. I count that a successful PT soap experience!

The other four soaped well and smell fine. Three look decent to good -- two ITP (in the pot) swirls and one with cocoa pencil lines. The ITP swirl batchs were not very feathery, but they're acceptable ITP swirls.

The fourth definitely shows my novice status as a hanger swirler. I have not graduated to second grade yet. <sigh> So far of the 3-4 hanger swirl batches I've tried, only one has looked really nice. And it's not this one. <double sigh>
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I made shaving soap. It's my first time with HP, first time using KOH. I followed the Songwind thread recipe from the first post, with the only modification being that I used coconut milk in place of water. Pa Kettle asked for lime in it, and I didnt have that, so I used Coconut Lime Verbena. He stopped by to visit right when I started, so I let him smell the fragrance oil. He approved.

I'm excited to try it. My soap dishes were beautifully floofy and foamy.
Just finished a loaf with a different recipe and a mantra swirl that is now in the oven. Next to do is my slab swirl...my neighbor Molly who often comes over for projects came over this morning to look at my new shipment of mica samples from Nurture. She picked out colors for my loaf and then we started picking out colors for my slab mold...after looking at the colors she picked I thought they looked like all the colors of the changing leaves around here, so I will try a wall pour with the autumn leaf colors and see if I can somehow come up with a swirl that might look like a leaf. I know I want cedarwood EO but I can't decide on a second EO...thinking about lavender...tea tree...maybe frankincense....
Love the colors, like the swirl but how the heck did I get all those bubbles, they weren't there before I put them in the oven and when it came out, it has bubbles even on the thin layer that clung to the sides...

I made a citrus soap (maybe it'll turn out ok/maybe it won't)

It was a new FO I ordered and I'm not sure I like it.

I also made lotion bars with that same FO maybe it'll behave better.
Recently I ordered palm from Soapers Choice. Normally I get the no stir variety. I must have clicked on the wrong option. *sigh* Today I melted 50 pounds of palm and portioned it out.

I also boiled down beer and plan on mixing it tonight.
Do ya really want to know? OK, I took a loaf I made that totally looked like a turkey meat loaf (used a new dark red clay to color and couldn't get past that color) and I chopped it up into chop stick sized bits, made a white loaf and used the chop stick bits as embeds. Will it work, I have no idea. I guess we find out tomorrow. UGH, not sure if I'm just compounding mistakes or fixing anything with that!! But it was fun!!! That's what's it about! Oh and it's peppermint so maybe it will be Christmas gifts for the family. Yay them! LOL!!!
I learned that I am not ready to swirl. Lol :) I will stick to getting the recipe and method down and than try to get the art of swirling and pouring down. My soap ended up looking like something gross. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1444668762.690824.jpgImageUploadedBySoap Making1444668802.643152.jpg

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