What soapy thing have you done today?

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I don't see anything wrong with this soap- is there something specific you didn't like?

Many CP soaps feel a little oily to the touch for a few weeks. If they continue to feel oily after that, you will want to lower (not raise) the superfat. More superfat = more free oil = oily to the touch.
I guess what I meant by something being wrong is that my pretty top kind of deflated. I was expecting it to be just as lofty as when I put it to cure. 😕
But nice to know that some soaps do feel oily and I may not have made a huge mistake. 😏 It was my first time using eggs in soap.
I really wanna thank you for the explanation about super fat. I’m still a new maker and didn’t realize what the numbers actually meant.
🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no experience with lard and/or egg yolks in soap recipes so I'm not help here. What was the whole recipe? What liquid did you work with?
I guess what I meant by something being wrong is that my pretty top kind of deflated. I was expecting it to be just as lofty as when I put it to cure. 😕
I do understand the disappointment when the result doesn't match the picture in your head. But no one looking at it will know - they will just see a pretty soap.
I made my first oatmeal, milk and honey soap today! While I was prepping my colorants and additives, and waiting for the oils to cool, a life flight helicopter landed in the pasture below our house and met an ambulance coming from the mountain across from us.

I was able to keep my lye/milk solution super cool (under 75°F), hoping to keep my soap a nice creamy color. Well, the helicopter excitement disrupted my thought process and I forgot to disperse the honey in warm water before I added the lye to the oils. When I combined the lye (73°) with the oils (91°), I got a pretty quick false trace. Trying to remember what to do in case of false trace, I blended until it was too thick to blend and then I hand stirred it until it loosened up. I have no idea how loose it should get, so I hand stirred like crazy for about 5 minutes. It never got thinner than a medium/thick trace, but since it wasn't changing at all as I stirred, I decided that's what I was going to get. Then I added the EO slurry with the oatmeal that I had prepared last week along with some sugar in place of the honey.

I decided not to try using the turmeric and charcoal colorants I had prepared and left the batter natural. I added a couple cocoa powder pencil lines as I poured instead. Then, I set the mold outside to hopefully prevent gel and keep the color as light as I can.

So now, I need to make another soap to use the pre-dispersed colorants I have before they soak through the paper cups they're in!😃