Finished getting sample FOs ready for pouring, now need to prepare a test batch of batter. I HATE doing samples because my hands are really shaky and it is a PITA to do them one at a time, I have to pour in/pour out/pour in/pour out, seemingly ad infinitum, to get the right teeny amount in. During which time the batter is thickening, I am getting frustrated and time-pressed, etc.
For me it is much less stressful to do a bunch in advance and then when it's time to pour and mix I can just dump the FO in to each little testing cup. I learned this from an smf member, soapmaker145, who did an amazing amount of testing/posting.
Here's their testing procedure post for anyone that's interested (on post #174):
The little tubes and stand cost about $13.00 together on Amazon US.