A & H Washing Soda does an amazing job of cleaning tools and rags.
1 tablespoon in 16 oz. hot water.
Allow to soak for 5 minutes.
Oil & wax rises to the surface. Can be skimmed off and the solution can be saved for another use.
Thank you! That is something I hadn't even considered, despite the fact that I buy the stuff in massive quantities, along with borax, baking soda & white vinegar. I don't use fragranced laundry soap or fabric softener & use a lot of washing soda, borax & vinegar in my laundry to prevent an overload of chemicals coming into contact with my skin, so this is another perfect use for these raw materials I have sitting in large buckets!
On another subject, lord how I DETEST dryer sheets
Those things are pure evil, for the health as well as for the environment. They should either be completely overhauled in terms of manner of manufacturing or completely banned.
Wow! Awesome job! And congratulations on your new cutter toy!
EDIT: as I was dragging my 50 pounds of bokashi spread out on my tarp up my mountain of a driveway to get it into the moving sun - I am feeling like all the things I need to do before going on holiday will never end - it suddenly dawned on me that I made 48 pounds of soap AND cut it using only ONE 16 pound mold & my trusty new cutter. My Custom Craft tools molds still haven't arrived, shipped over 2 weeks ago I do believe, so it had to be done. THAT suddenly impressed ME, and I am not often easily impressed
When I'm in the midst of the tornado, getting things done, I lose track of the ways I'm making everything happen. I just motor through using what is available to me until tasks are complete, which is when the huge sense of accomplishment comes, perfectly done or not, although that IS also part of my MO LOL That last batch of soap scared the hell out of me. Thought I was going to have to scrap it, then cut it open & breathed a sigh of relief & actually smiled
Although I am in no way religious, I do pray from the heart to those who I believe assist, support & work with me, and know for a fact it brings results. Our tree brothers & sisters lent a huge hand in making that last batch happen as the batch was in their honour. We all have a team working with us, if we are willing to connect & communicate with them, as well as give permission for them to assist us
As much as I exhaustedly patted myself on the back after actually completing this task, I don't intend on repeating the experience
This is me moving-me-arse-quickly to make sure I can fulfill what I promised to local businesses. In a small community, especially when you know many people personally, word gets around quickly if you flake out on commitments made without a VERY good reason. THAT goes against everything I feel is right. In general, I take commitments & promises seriously.
That cutter rocks my world, I swear
Best $200 I ever spent in relation to soap making equipment, I do believe
Thank you again to Martha from Soap Girl Equipment. Beautifully made, high quality soap making gear that woman puts together!