I attempted something similar to unmoulding to a dual-lye bar soap (8% KOH, 92% NaOH). Poured at thick trace, it had got a thorough CPOP treatment + an extra day of waiting, but it's been still soft and sticky as of now.
Not an overly exotic recipe, hence I really blame the KOH – not by chance, knowing enough of liquid soap to actually be not surprised at all. On the other hand, I've had dual-lye soaps that hardened up very nicely over the weeks of cure.
I'm inclined to formulate a rule of the form:
Increase setting time in the mould by 3–6 hours for each % of KOH in dual-lye soap.
Dual-lyears: Have you noticed an effect of KOH on solidification speed?
or𝄞 and 𝄢 depending on the conditioning of your Freudian subconsciousness.