What soapy mistake have you made today?

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I finally took pics of the butt ugly soap from my disaster soaping session that I posted about the other day. It's awful on a scale that defies description Lmfao

It looks like vegetable soup mashed up and plopped down on top of potatoes .... good god it's ugly... smells good though Hahahahaha

Morpheus -LOL I hadn't thought of that
Ally - oh no, that awfulness is going nowhere except right on the bookshelves so I can see it every day and be reminded to slow down, triple check recipes, and not soap when I'm distracted, tired, or drinking wine hahahaha
Thanks for the welcome. I feel so much better knowing that I am not alone on my failed batch with the Lemon Zest. I was so looking forward to a nice lemon soap. Forgive my ignorance, but what is SSRB? I am not up on the soap lingo, and am also struggling on how to navigate on this forum. I guess I'll get the hang of it!
K, you and I both have big Halloween batches in our future ...


I'm new to this forum. Had a horrible soaping day as well. Got a new FO from sweetcakes to make my lemon kitchen soap. Used to use Lemon Balm FO from Sweetcakes, but since it is discontinued, I purchased their Lemon Zest [....] Soap turned into oatmeal and I barely got it in the mold. Nyone have any problems with this FO? I have been soaping for 15 years and never had such a horrible seizing problem.

Welcome, Raingarden. Just checked SSRB for SC Lemon Zest and both people who reviewed it reported exactly the same thing, trouble shot in advance b/c a new FO, soap on a stick, they thought there was no getting around it. So some comfort there, if only in shared misery :)
Oops, sorry, Raingarden, deleted and reposted quoting you so that it would show up on your dashboard thingie and you would not miss it, I really did want you to know to avoid using again in CP. SSRB is the Soap Scent Review Board, v. useful resource that basically just deals w/people's experiences with FO's/EO's. Also, we have an excel chart w/reviews here, go to the FO forum, and click on the link in the sticky.
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K, so far I have done OMH - mistake, as noted, carrot, orange, and pumpkin. I am kind of running out of orange-y soaps. I did like the carrot one, there might be a lot of people in my life and in shelters taking showers w/that :)
How about a poppy fields one with or without poppy seeds sprinkled on top? If you could keep red palm at about 6-7% and use the regular palm or something else for the rest, you could produce a creamy dreamy yellow with a bit of TD. Then you could make yellow soaps with it.
Ooh, I do love that yellow. Is that the base color and you added colorants as swirls to the rest?

Aside, I am sitting outside on my patio and the police helicopters are swooping low enough that one of my dogs has run under the bed. Gotta love LA, the good and the bad.
That's the base color with added TD. The other yellow is the base color. These are from the extra half loaf from my challenge soap, the soap batter was so thick by then that I just had to plop the different colors in and call it a day.
I'm surprised that nice yellow was the one w/the added TD. I am terrible at trying to lighten my swirl batchlets w/TD, it always somehow goes wrong and makes them murky/less pretty (plus I use a lot to begin with, so worry about glycerin rivers - and sometimes get them - where I don't want them). Just one of those soapy deficits that I have come to accept :)
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My mistake for the day - and several to come I guess - is letting myself run out of lye. I ordered 27 lbs a couple of weeks ago from the Lye Guy, and it appears to be stuck in FedEx limbo, also the LG has not answered my emails, so I am kind of stuck on figuring out how/when to find another quick source (will probably just stick w/NG , going forward, the pricing was v. close, I just wanted to check something new.)

I did just order 3 lbs via Amazon Prime, but it will not get here until Monday. That is way, way too long. They may find me, dead from soaping DT's, at that point. Hopefully the pups will not get hungry enough to eat me by then :)
I have a soaping mistake that involves one of my dogs. Last week I got a bunch of natural colorants from WSP (allkanet root powder, pumpkin powder, spirulina, etc). I happy made up 10 mason jars of oil to infuse the powders in. After getting the powder into each jar and storing the jars in the cupboard, I went to take a shower.

10 minutes later I'm toweling off and hear one of my dogs getting into something. I went back to the living room to find Midnight happily tearing into her 8th bag of the powders! She had first opened the pumpkin powder bag (which smells exactly like pumpkin bead) and licked it clean and was rooting through the other bags to see if they tasted as good! I did manage to salvage most of the powders and now keep them individually ziplocked and stored in the highest cabinet. But the poor carpet has some weird tie-dye look to it from the spirulina powder and the beet root powder that Midnight had licked into the carpet fibers. Lesson learned!
Ally - I got mine at Lowe's ...it wasn't cheap, but it's a quick fix until your order arrives... we can't have you dying from DTs LOL

Viore - holy cow ... good thing the powders are natural... They're going to be pooping rainbows Lmao
Viore, don't get mad, but I did laugh at your post. That is *exactly* what my little stinkers would have done. You kind of accept/expect some stuff - it will probably be a really, really long time before I buy underwear anywhere than the dollar store, due to um, depredations in that area. But soaping ingredients, really muppets? I wrote off my security deposit about a month after I got Fred :)

Gigi, Lowe's does seem to be the place to get locally sourced lye if one is close to you. I am still trying to figure out whether to go get some there or just wait. Have to make the NG order (this part is irritating, I placed an NG order a couple of day's ago. I wish they weren't quite so bad at shipping fast,'
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Ally - my last dog was an underwear thief too lol. I hope you get some lye soon... I could try teleporting you some ;)

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