Yesterday's batch was sort of disastrous. Well, not disastrous in the literal sense, but quite disappointing and maybe just plain a 'bad soap day' for me. First, it traced faster than I wanted, but that's my fault for not decreasing the hard oils and increasing the soft oils. Second, the FO accelerated and riced, so swirls were out. Colors worked okay, but by that time the batter was pretty much at the 'plop it into the mold really quick' stage and only the first mold turned out looking like it would be decent soap. For the second mold, I gave up put it back into the bowl and added a bit of extra liquid and tried to HP it with a bit of SL to loosen it up enough to mix it with some soap confetti I had been wanting to use up this week. I used the microwave oven to HP it (I hate using the MW for this purpose; prefer the crockpot for HP & rebatch) and pressed it all into another mold.
Well then during CPOP the 'good soap' leaked. It was in a not-so-tightly sealed wooden mold lined with freezer paper and this was probably the second time I had used the freezer paper. My [lye concentration] was only at 33%, so not even full water, and it leaked through the freezer paper and out the bottom of the wooden mold on one end. Joy! I got to learn how lye eats away at aluminum foil. As it happens, I keep a pizza pan in my oven, covered with heavy duty Aluminum foil (at all times) and then place a towel over top of that before putting my soap molds into the oven for CPOP. I used to also put cardboard between the pizza pan and the towel, but had become lazy and stopped doing that recently. Well, let me tell you, the cardboard layer is going back in again, and something else to catch possible leaks to prevent this from happening again. The lye soaked through the towel, interacted with the Aluminum foil, creating a sort of blackish substance that soaked back into the towel and then began eating away at a spot on the pizza pan. I smelled it, so went to investigate and saw I now have a shiny sort of pock-marked surface area on my pizza pan as well as the rest of the mess to clean up. Not too bad clean-up-wise, but disappointing as I said.
Later that night I checked them after they had come down to about 90-something degrees F and the first soap was decent, so I cut them and put them out to dry. I think these bars will be okay. But the second one just crumbled as I removed it from the mold and so did the bars as I cut them. I just put all that into a bucket & covered it. When we get back from the eclipse trip, I'll re-evaluate if it's even worth my while to re-batch that portion. I'll re-evaluate the bars I think will be okay, too. Maybe they will; maybe they won't.
I remember having bad computer days when I was in my 40's and 50's; they don't seem to happen so much anymore. (Like bad hair days, but with a computer.) Now I seem to have bad soap days. I wish there was some way to know before starting to actually make the soap that it's going to be a 'bad soap day' so I can just avoid making soap that day.