What soapy mistake have you made today?

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Totally mucked up a batch of salt bars. Tried to soap before caffeine. Totally lye heave because I forgot my avocado and castor. Was already hard so tried to fix it what a mess. First batch I've had to throw away in a few years.
Argh!! Attempt #2 of the SMF Feb challenge resulted in soap on a stick - into the slow cooker it went! Keeping everything crossed for attempt #3! If this fails you can all just do what you like!!

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Will keep everything crossed for you that batch #3 works ok. It's so frustrating when the soap and video gremlins kick in! Mind you, my mind is now boggling at what the challenge could be?
Was trying to do a two tier pour. Mixed the batter to emulsion. Divided into two lots. Added TD with 1/2 tsp of water to the top layer only hand stirring.

Added colour to the bottom layer (1/2 tsp liquid colour). SB'd this layer's batter a bit and poured it into the mold. Waited, waited, waited for the bottom layer to set a bit so I could do a nice uneven top on it before I put the top layer on.

Meanwhile the top layer with TD still in the pot started to set. Really? Soap is enough to drive you batty.
Not sure if I added the shea to my new base recipe I was so kindly given here. Put my CP mold into freezer and in true form became impatient and decided to cut my getting softer by the second loaf. I am partial to embeds and I soon had a huge mess. So I took one bar apart, smooshed the batter onto the others and am hoping that when I trim the extra soap off and clean them they will hold together. Too much coffee and start too late at night. The only thing I did do right was take great notes.
In my mind I envisioned a bar with a quilt like top. I don't think that's going to happen.
But it was fun and I love being able to share my soaping drama. :)

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I made a new loaf without the salt so I wouldn't have spots. Looks great except I forgot the vanilla bean seeds and the FO! Back to the drawing board - literally - I am going to put up a pin board in the laundry so I have instructions right where I can't miss them while making soap.
Ugh. Pretty sure that I totally messed up my ITP swirl today. I just kept moving the stupid spoon. My mind kept screaming "stop mixing", but my hand just kept moving. I'm afraid to cut into it tomorrow and discover that yellow/orange/red/ is just dirty 70s dark puke mustard yellow.
Oh damn it!! Attempt #4 of the Feb challenge tutorial failed!! Stupid phone didn't record it!! And I dropped my phone in the soap batter!!! Just the corner thankfully.
Ugh Sonya. So sorry to hear that. I guess breaking my scale by accidentally dropping it on a concrete floor is not as bad as a phone in soap batter.
I was so looking forward to starting on an order that I have due mid March. Want the Soaps to cure longer than 4 weeks, but my 2.5 year old won't go to sleep!!! Now it's too late to start. Have to be at work in the morning. I swear he does it on purpose!! Lol
weighed out my oils, heavy cream, & distilled water. measured my additives, added water to sea salt & tussah silk....then found out I didn't have enough FO...might just be a happy mistake as I was doing a Lavender Soap...& now it will be a lavender (2 parts)mixed with warm sugar vanilla (1 part). maybe this will be a hvappy mistake!
Just mixed my TD with Glycerin for a batch. Thought it was thin, I poured Sodium Lactate instead :( Going with it, it actually blended really well, lol
Woke up ready to start anew after yesterday's overheating beer soap fiasco. Prepped everything for my first hanger swirl and...soap on a stick! Seizing! Ricing! Thunder! Locusts! Smog! Glop glop, stir stir, change mind, scooped it into individual molds and packed it in, swearing like a sailor.
Deep breath, tried it again without the TD. It might have been a wee bit warmer than usual but well below 130 degrees. I do blame the TD for this bizarre behavior.
And the funny thing is, the "save" project on the first batch looks kind of awesome, like marble. The picture is a bit fuzzy--I think there is schmutz on my (broken) camera lens, but anyway, the scent is soft black pepper. I'm calling it Marble Halls after I get them cleaned up.

Marble soaps.jpg
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Ok, so I tried my first round soap in PVC pipe. No liner, no lube. I'm sure you all know what happened... It didn't come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I had to bring it to work so the guys could cut the pipe open. I need to stop believing certain things that I read & just go with my 1st mind. A lot of $ went into that soap! It smells so good too. Sweet orange, tea tree, Eucalyptus & Geranium EO's.

First hidden feather swirl. What do you folks think? Just kidding, it sucks. I used cardboard separators and the weight of the soap spread them before I could save the middle section. Someone described this is a bean pot for gold miners, another as "jello in a cloud." Not my finest hour.

First hidden feather swirl. What do you folks think? Just kidding, it sucks. I used cardboard separators and the weight of the soap spread them before I could save the middle section. Someone described this is a bean pot for gold miners, another as "jello in a cloud." Not my finest hour.

I'm impressed that you attempted a hidden feather swirl and didn't use a tall, skinny mold! What 'flavor' is it? I like the color combo and my brain tells me it should smell like Fruit Loops cereal.
Hey, Doriette. It's Blackberry Sage, so it smells juicy and delicious. I used that FO because it doesn't discolor and I wanted my whites to stay whites for my glorious hidden feather... yeah. That didn't work out. I have two TAS molds my carpenter friend made for me but I think the real problem is the dividers. The cardboard ones don't fit snugly enough and the heavy soap pushes them out to create the fabulous bean pot/cloud jello you see before you.
Funnily enough, I bought a huge bottle of the FO and as it's a best-seller, find that I'm out already. The last two batches with it have been abject fails. I won't make your eyeballs suffer through my first hanger swirl; that would be mental cruelty.
This weekend I made two batches simultaneously: one for my slab mold and the other for my loaf mold. Each had a slightly different recipe... one had shea and the superfat was different (one had 5% and the other 6%). I water discounted differently as well. Each mold holds about the same amount of batter. So I measure everything out and mark which lye container goes with which oil container and which oil container goes with which batch. I do this *all* the time.

Then chaos descends at the house. The phone rings. The dog will not come in from outside since there is a herd of deer in her way. The deer look at me like I'm an idiot since I do not have a carrot for them and refuse to move. The garage door will not close. Family returns with groceries. Once again, the garage door will not close. Other daughter drops by. Who the heck keeps putting things in front of the garage door sensor and why I am the only one that can figure out why the garage door will not close?!?! The phone keeps ringing.

My zen is gone.

I mix the wrong lye container into the wrong oil. Argh. Run down to check my calculations... whew, I'm okay. I ended up just about splitting the difference on the superfat. Okay, no biggie. Then I manage to put the wrong FO with the wrong mold. Thankfully I stopped to sniff when I was about to color so my rosemary soap didn't end up pink/orange and my Apple Mango soap turn out green. It was close though.

Oh and the Rosemary soap was for a friend that likes shea. He isn't getting any. Not this week anyhow...
Hey, Doriette. It's Blackberry Sage, so it smells juicy and delicious. I used that FO because it doesn't discolor and I wanted my whites to stay whites for my glorious hidden feather... yeah. That didn't work out. I have two TAS molds my carpenter friend made for me but I think the real problem is the dividers. The cardboard ones don't fit snugly enough and the heavy soap pushes them out to create the fabulous bean pot/cloud jello you see before you.
Funnily enough, I bought a huge bottle of the FO and as it's a best-seller, find that I'm out already. The last two batches with it have been abject fails. I won't make your eyeballs suffer through my first hanger swirl; that would be mental cruelty.

I love that FO! Also, if I ever start a rock band, I'm calling it Cloud Jello.

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