What made you pick your avatar/ username?!

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Hi All, I thought I would introduce myself. I'm a very green Newbie. My Profile picture is from my previous hobby which turned into a business (100% edible and 100% scratch).

I remember my Mother and the GrandMa next door making "Lye Soap" which they used and shared for Laundry. Although, they never let me get close enough to help! I've had the desire to try making my own soap ever since.

The more I read, the more convinced I am that "chemical free" is the way to go (as much as possible) for our family. My daughter has sensitive skin and my sister has had 2 rounds of chemo, I am determined to make: soap, deodorant and toothpaste the way my Mother and that GrandMa did (in the 70's). They did it because they could, not because they financially needed to.

I am planning to eventually use CP Method. Still in research stage, today.
Q: Is it worth the time, effort and cost to try M&P first?

Thank you all for everything I've already learned from reading here.
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Hi sweetums! Welcome, looks like we can look forward to seeing some beautiful soap creations from you :)

I'd advise you to just jump right into cp: don't think there's so much to gain by playing with m&p first, as long as you do thorough research and spend hours on the forum, should do fine ;)
I agree, while m&p can be fun I think you'd be better off jumping into small cp batches until you feel confident. Nothing is worse than spending a lot of time and money on ingredients then have a batch flop! Good luck soaping :smile:
I'm obsessed with Japanese art and culture and the sakura (cherry blossom) tree is a very important symbol of life in their culture. I got into making soap and safer body products because all three of my little girls have super sensitive skin that I'm sure is not helped by the chemical-laden products shoved on us by big companies like P&G and Monsanto.

I haven't chosen an avatar yet because I'm a very visual person (I have a photography studio that is my "day job") and can't make up my mind what I want, lol!
Dragonfly Dreaming

The dragonfly represents embracing change and not dwelling on the past and has been my moniker for many years. After losing my husband of 27 years very suddenly, I would look at the dragonflies around my home and remember that I have to embrace change, no matter how difficult. I learned to dream again, and this Dragonfly has some dreams and much life to live! That's why I'm DragonflyDreams :p

As for my avatar, I am an activist, advocate, and supporter for changing the Cannabis laws in this country, so my dragonfly rests on a Cannabis leaf, representing the changes that are rapidly occurring across the country in support of freeing this plant for its industrial, medicinal, and recreational use. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my honestly.
As for my avatar, I am an activist, advocate, and supporter for changing the Cannabis laws in this country, so my dragonfly rests on a Cannabis leaf, representing the changes that are rapidly occurring across the country in support of freeing this plant for its industrial, medicinal, and recreational use. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my honestly.[/QUOTE]

I love the leaf behind your Dragonfly!! I am completely on the same page as you with this. Cannabis solid lotion is great!! Not trying to bring on a debate
I've been peepla the purplebutterfly since 1985. Didn't see a reason to change it. Haha
My forum name is from an old play on words. I love the beach, anything, at any beach. Someone asked me one day, while i was playing on the beach, how i was doing. Instead of saying, just peachy, well.. you get the idea.

The avatar is one I've had for years. I play guitar and write. Was in a band during the college years and still have a love for music. Well anything but Rap. And I still listen to it louder than most, so....crank it up. :)
Thought it would be fun to weigh in here and introduce myself. I chose my name via a process. I play an online game and the guild I am in identifies jokingly as owls. I made and still make melt and pour soups under a company name that means the spirit of marital love, but I threw my husband out about a year ago and got a divorce, so the name left a bad taste in my mouth. When I started to make CP, I chose a new company name, Grumpy Owl. I have since found a way to work with the old name (got a new logo and label design and mentally freed myself from 25 years of marriage), so I'm happy with it. But I like being Grumpy Owl with you all. :)
Hi all,

My name comes from my favorite thing EVER! Lol, Lemon cookies. I started making candles a few months ago and my husband said I should look into opening a business. I couldn't think of a good name until a friend asked what I was doing. I replied "Eating Lemon Cookies and making candles.... OOOOOHHHH!!!! Lemon Cookie Candles! I will make it!" I made a candle that day (and slaved to make it "perfect" and when my niece smelled it a few days later she said "I want Lemon Cookies. You know, the Vance ones. What scent is this?" Jackpot! Lol

I really like making candles, I hope making soap is just as much fun for me. And yes, I will try to make a lemon cookie soap (That will be a while though, I need to work on making soap before I start making scents lol, and I don't want to copy anyone's recipe without permission)

My name was made up when I began a music blog several years ago, and it just stuck. Unfortunately, the blog wasn't my forte which isn't at all surprising considering I could never write consistently in a journal/diary growing up, either. Back in 2002-ish I was the lead journalist for D1 Music Network, a record company that looked to help striving artist get their foot in the door. It was headed up by the frontman for the band Orgy, Jay Gordon. To say that I loved my job is a gross understatement.

When I decided to come back to writing for the blog, I was looking to have a sort of phoenix rising type of thing, a reprise into the sometimes dark world of rock/metal music. While that never quite took off -- mostly because I began assisting on an indie MMORPG based off of the brilliant show Firefly which was horribly cut short far before it had a chance to prosper. ( I will always be a Browncoat at heart. )

But, anyhow, that was a rather wordy explanation for my forum name. My avatar is just a Keep Calm graphic that I happened to find in a Google search. :) Saw it, identified with it, loved it, aiming to spread it! (Though, certainly, all credit goes right to the creator of said graphic whose identity is unknown to me at this time. )

My username is the same as my company name (hence my avatar/logo). The name came from my love of gaming, old school tabletop where I began in the 80's playing D&D, and console where I'm a fantasy RPG addict. So anyway, I wanted to combine my soap art with gaming somehow and just couldn't come up with a company name to save my life. Then one night while playing Skyrim on my Xbox, my character shot off a few fire and lightning spells at some bandits (she's a mage, aka magic user), the name came to me as fast as her fireballs hit those nasty bandits! Soap Mage. It fit perfectly! It also fits in with my company brand as a whole since I also love history, and all things middle ages/medieval, especially alchemy. Alchemy is basically transforming something wonderful and useful from practically nothing or something mundane like iron to gold. And what is soap making? The transformation of plain old oils into something useful and sometimes beautiful! So anyhoo, that's my boring story of how I conjured up my name, and it means a lot to me. :)
One day my son was running around the house and I asked him to stop, he ran by me and said "I have to run mommy because I'm a little wolf" to which I snorted "yeah, you are a little crazy wolf!" And that's how I picked my name. I haven't chosen an avatar yet but I will one day.
My wife and I worked at summer camps for many years, and usually the staff uses a "camp name" instead of their real names while interacting with the kids. My username comes from combining my camp name (Viola) with my wife's camp name (Eeyore). Voila! Viore!

The avatar is a rose I grew called a Rio Samba. One of my favorites! It starts off golden yellow, and as the sun hits the petals they turn pink. Roses are the only plants I have successfully kept alive. :problem:
My name is just my nickname, Jules, and my anniversary. Nothing fancy. My avatar is a picture of this cute canvas frame I found shopping one day. It hangs in my bathroom now.
I have had my name since I was 9 years old. Its what I have been using online forever. Its a very special name to me. I consider it my online identity. I love it when people refer to me as "galaxy".

The MLP stands for "my little pony" I collected them from the time I was 9-17. I sold them one by one while I was in college and sold the entire collection last holiday season which was right after I graduated. :(. My mom needed more space in her house. I had over 400 and my collection was valued at over $3000 (I didn't get that selling it in bulk of course)

Galaxy was the first MLP name that I learned. I collected the ones from the 80s even though I was a 90s kid.

Here is a pic of it:


My avatar has nothing to do with my name. Just a picture of a floral arrangement I've made.

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