What made you pick your avatar/ username?!

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Well, I just found this thread so I guess I'll 'splain...

When I was little my family went to this place on the beach that had playground stuff near the water, I thought it was called "kittywings." My family insists that we never went anywhere like that, but why do I remember it then? I used to lie and tell people that there were flying cats there, but I knew THAT part wasn't true. Anyway, we'd drive past places and I'd always say "is THAT kittywings?!?" (too cute for words, I know ;)) Alas, "no" was always the answer I got. :cry:
My mom found a great xmas ornament about 10 years ago and gave it to me, I hang it from the mirror in every car I have.


Sometimes I use mrowmrow in remembrance of my old cat Charlie who was the most AMAZING CAT EVER!!! Whenever I would call him he'd trot towards me in the cutest way and chatter "mrowrowmrowrowmrow...." Unfortunately, I had to move around unexpectedly for a while in college and left him at my sister's house, I was gonna come back and get him but she said he ran away. I don't know if I believe that, but then again, he just showed up the day I moved in, came in the cat door and climbed on my lap and became "mine." I HATE not knowing what happened to him. :(

My avatar was just a funny picture I found online, I can take credit for neither the fat cat (though I have a fatty of my own... and 2 trimmer ones) nor the "sexy" bathroom.

As much as it may seem like it, I'm not obsessed with cats... just pizza. (I'm hungry, can you tell?)
Murphy seems to be a nickname that I can't escape from so I embraced it. When I was in my youth, I got the nickname because of Murphy's Law - if it could go wrong, it did for me. lol Then at a job I kept going through temp receptionists like the TV character Murphy Brown went through temp secretaries (and mine were just as bizarrre) so they started calling me Murphy.

I list the girl part because people think I'm a guy using just Murphy. :)

I was born in '63.

No avatar yet - I'm still deciding.

My actual name is Kelly.
Hi Everybody, my name is Pauline

My user name is Pops1
Now l will divulge a little secret on how l came by this name.
Its a nickname from the time l was a baby which only family members use.I was born with the ability to produce amazing amounts of wind which came out as a stream of little Pops hence the name(you are all now sworn to secrecy ) although l might add the my previous ability has past me by Thank Goodness :lol:
I haven't got an avatar because l have only just found out how to make one happen so hopefully in 5 minutes the Soap Making Forum will be graced by a picture of yours truly.Since it has taken me 2 months to work out how to put pictures on the forum l might just be a bit optimistic in the 5 minutes :lol:
Hey! I'm Psalm 23. I chose that name because that chapter is all about sheep, and sheep are awesome! My avatar is a cow, :D because a cow was the closest thing it had to a sheep, and I haven't fingured out how to put pics. on yet :D
I am JCSO339 because I work for a sheriff's office here in Texas and JCSO is the abbreviation for the department. 339 was my first badge number so it is kind of sentimental.

I chose the avatar picture because I scrolled through what was available here on the forum and it looks like a scene from West Texas or the Hill Country. I currently live in Southeast Texas but my heart is out west where I used to reside. So that also shows in the name in my signature.
After doing way too much reading about soap making before making soap, I came across this factoid (see link). Using chandler and part of my first name, Chandler Trev was born. I have yet to make candles which is, Lord willing, in my near future. The name gives an intro to explain about soap making and help them understand why they "really ought to try handcrafted soap" !

the avatar is, uh, well I liked it better than the default bubble.

http://wrmsmedievalstudies.wetpaint.com ... Soap+Maker
My username is my real name because I retired my online name when I grew out of online rpg games (MUDs). Before that I was Oona everywhere for about 15 years.

I picked this avatar because it's EXACTLY my personality: silly and trying to get you to laugh, too.
I am a newbie to forums and soon to be soap making.
I chose my nic as it was a nicname given to me through high school. Unsure as to why but it stuck. My real name is Paula.
The pic is of a race bike my hubby and I made the raceglass for, and I think it is a stunning bike.

I make things out of fibreglass and resin jewellery. I am going to jump into the world of soaping to make natural soaps for my daughters.
that is too cool!!!... I suck so horribly at anything resin-oriented lol... been there done that and need some 'schooling' before I try it again or else waste glass lol
I am quite lucky. My daughters didnt notice any flaws in the beginning and loved everything I made :lol: I also have a supplier who is only a phone call away when I need advise, which is a massive help.
I dont do it for profit, it is just an expensive hobby at the moment :D
Well first off my mother decided at birth to spell my nickname "Jackie" the french way J-A-C-Q-U-I. Which is pronounced the same way but some smart allecks will pronounce it "jack-qwee"

The "O" at the end is because my last name from my first marriage was O'Brien. Which is the only good thing that came out of my first marriage. In 2005 I remarried and as much as I wanted to keep O'Brien my hubby's name wasn't awful enough to refuse but I still keep the username JacquiO because a lot of people on other craft forums know me by that name as well as it being my stage name when I performed spoken word.

The avatar is from a drawing I purchased from a talented eBay artists. She drew it from a photo I emailed her from when my current husband and I first met. I had the original framed and presented to my husband (then fiance) on the 10 year anniversary of our first date. I think she did an excellent job and it just captures the heart and soul of our relationship.

FYI - We did not have a ten year courtship. I met Del in England during a month long sojourn traveling through Europe in 1995. We stayed in touch by letters for years and after my break-up w/ my daughter's father and the reduced cost of international phone calls we grew closer and Del finally decided to follow me over the pond and immigrate to permanent resident status as my husband, best friend and most wonderful partner I've ever had.

The avatar is a stack of the soaps my partner and I make. We use this same image on the home page of our website http://www.oliveleafsoap.com

OLSoap is short for Olive Leaf Soap!

I found this forum while I was searching for funnel swirls in soap and thought becoming a member might help us improve on our product.
Choice of Avatar

Hello Everybody !! This is my first post so I hope that I have posted it to the right place ? As I am kinda new to this whole forum posting thing.

Any way what made me choose this avatar was the fact that I knida like dogs and this was the easiest avatar to hand that had a dog pic that I liked. Umm kinda a lazy huh ?

Best wishes to All,

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