Well, I just found this thread so I guess I'll 'splain...
When I was little my family went to this place on the beach that had playground stuff near the water, I thought it was called "kittywings." My family insists that we never went anywhere like that, but why do I remember it then? I used to lie and tell people that there were flying cats there, but I knew THAT part wasn't true. Anyway, we'd drive past places and I'd always say "is THAT kittywings?!?" (too cute for words, I know
) Alas, "no" was always the answer I got. :cry:
My mom found a great xmas ornament about 10 years ago and gave it to me, I hang it from the mirror in every car I have.
Sometimes I use mrowmrow in remembrance of my old cat Charlie who was the most AMAZING CAT EVER!!! Whenever I would call him he'd trot towards me in the cutest way and chatter "mrowrowmrowrowmrow...." Unfortunately, I had to move around unexpectedly for a while in college and left him at my sister's house, I was gonna come back and get him but she said he ran away. I don't know if I believe that, but then again, he just showed up the day I moved in, came in the cat door and climbed on my lap and became "mine." I HATE not knowing what happened to him.
My avatar was just a funny picture I found online, I can take credit for neither the fat cat (though I have a fatty of my own... and 2 trimmer ones) nor the "sexy" bathroom.
As much as it may seem like it, I'm not obsessed with cats... just pizza. (I'm hungry, can you tell?)