What made you pick your avatar/ username?!

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
This topic was suggested to me by one of our members (Jaaret) and thought it would be a nice addition to the introduction forum.

What made you choose the particular user name or avatar that you did?

tell us what your user name and avatar mean to you!


My user name is IanT

My name is Ian and last name begins with "T" (easy enough ... right!?)

and my avatar is the Lion of Judah which has a special significance to me and I believe symbolizes strength and dedication.

YOUR turn!
Good Idea, Ian!

I like the lion avatar, BTW. Very strong.

I'm Deda because that's what my family calls me. I couldn't say my name, Deborah, when I was about 2, I said Deda, or DeeDah or DeeDa or what ever. Just never La De Da, which I hate and if you want on my considerable bad side, just call me that.

In regards to the avatar I like cats, and that dancing cat looks just like one of my babies and also reminds me of the silly commercial for Six Flags with the crazy looking old man dancing. I keep thinking I should change it, it is kinda irritating....

Deda said:
Good Idea, Ian!

In regards to the avatar I like cats, and that dancing cat looks just like one of my babies and also reminds me of the silly commercial for Six Flags with the crazy looking old man dancing. I keep thinking I should change it, it is kinda irritating....


omg thats sooo weird cause i thought of that guy the first time i saw it!! lol
:lol: Can't you just hear the music? Doot doot doo doo doo doo doot! :lol:

my name is monet (mo-nay). the rest of my name isn't any easier to pronounce, spell or remember. (a warning to parents who get "creative" with their children's names!)

i was heart of dixie, but when my net crashed and i got a new web address, i changed to heartsong. i live in the south and love the warmth, kindness and generosity of spirit in the people i have met here and live amongst.

but in the last few years it seems to personify (to some people) ignorance, bigotry and a meanness of spirit.

i chose the avatar because if you look carefully you can find beauty and peace even among mere stones.
Great thread IanT!

Lindy is a nickname my grandmother gave me and her memory is beyond sweet to me so I use it.

My avatar is silly but it made me laugh plus I like turtles - so.... Laughter is good for the soul and I like to share my laughter with others...

Yeah I know pretty sappy.....

Hi all, my given names are Tanya Catherine and my dad called me Topcat (after the cartoon character) because of my initials T.C.

I married a Chappell so my initials are still TC and dad still calls me TC too!
BTW that is better than chicken little and miss muffet which he called me first :lol: :lol: :lol:

My avatar was the cartoon character until recently when my daughter found this beautiful fairy pic for me.....I am a fairy at heart (although far from ethereal to look at....lol.....) so this pretty in pink lady really called to me when I saw her.


Tanya :)
I chose TheGardener because when I'm not soaping you will find me in the garden. Gardening is as addicting to me as soaping. I am anxiously awaiting spring so I can get back into my garden. (Ialso have a very common, uninteresting given name).

I work full time as well as make soap, lotions etc. so I haven't had time to look for an avatar. I hope during the holidays I'll have the time to do that.

This is a very interesting thread!! I think it would be a great idea to have it as part as the into for new members.

Re: x

heartsong said:
my name is monet (mo-nay). the rest of my name isn't any easier to pronounce, spell or remember. (a warning to parents who get "creative" with their children's names!)

i was heart of dixie, but when my net crashed and i got a new web address, i changed to heartsong. i live in the south and love the warmth, kindness and generosity of spirit in the people i have met here and live amongst.

but in the last few years it seems to personify (to some people) ignorance, bigotry and a meanness of spirit.

i chose the avatar because if you look carefully you can find beauty and peace even among mere stones.

Heartsong, I travelled extensively through the southern U.S. on two occasions. I found everyone I met to be warm, friendly and always gracious. I really enjoyed the south.
Lindy said:
Great thread IanT!

Lindy is a nickname my grandmother gave me and her memory is beyond sweet to me so I use it.

My avatar is silly but it made me laugh plus I like turtles - so.... Laughter is good for the soul and I like to share my laughter with others...

Yeah I know pretty sappy.....


I swear all I could think of the first time I saw your username was Rodney Dangerfield's dive.... the triple lindy!!!.... lol what movie was that??? back to school or something like that i think?!?!?! lol priceless!!

I love that we have a good mix of people on here that seem to be very in touch with the Earth!


I suggested this sticky topic to Ian and I'm glad he liked the idea. I am enjoying getting to know everyone better.

Jaaret is the middle name I chose for myself 25 years ago. When I was born, I was given the middle name Ross, the last name of my mother's step-father. Edward Ross was a very intollerant, unkind person and I didn't like being associated with his name, so I decided to change it. So I came up with Jaaret, which had abosolutely no connotations associated with it. I paid $45, appeared before a judge and legally changed my name. I usually use it as my user name on web sites as it is never already taken by someone else, thanks to my creative spelling. (Trust me, I tried every conceivable combination: Jarrett, Jarret, Jerrot, etc.)

My pic was taken last May while on an Alaskan cruise. And yes, I always travel with fresh bars of my home made soap tucked in my suitcase. What soapmaker doesn't?

Darrell Jaaret DeRochier

PS ~ I've changed my last name too. My dad's dad changed the spelling from DeRochier to DeRoche just before my father was born. 20 years ago, and with my father's blessing, I legally changed my last name back to the original spelling to show my pride in my French heritage.
Stardust gives my dreams flight

Fantastic thread and you are so a Jaaret. Good on you for that change of name .Names have a great lot of influence on our selves and others also. If your into numerlology and I can't help there ,I bet you would find that name change meant a recognition of other qualities also. I hope someone on here jumps in and does that for you.
Now mine.
I was born Mary Patricia Martin and after taking on two other surnames for unsuccesful mariages and not wanting that energy arround me plus feeling a real need to honour my family and roots I went back many years ago to that. It feels ordinary but right for ordinary life.
Hey when ever is life ordinary any way?
Then some years back I had a Tourist studio/ gallery of the magical kind 17 years in all. Mary Fairy-Martin they called me and it stuck.
Time moved on and so did I. I wanted to reach even further for the stars and out to that mystery .I played with different ideas and starduster came about .Every time I use it my heart lights up and I float away ,detatched in my heart and soul from those little unimportant niggles in life.
When my oldest son was here a few weeks ago and sitting at my computor doing my web site he suddenly swung around and with awe in his voice he asked "Why Stardust Soaps and Starduster mum , that is the beginning of everything ?". Jason being a numbers scientific person made me know then it was right for me now.
I stand unknowing before the All. I believe in encouraging mine and everyones dreams .Just take a pinch of Stardust and mix it with love and gratitude and you can fly.
PS: I forgot to mention that I live in SS.Stargazer 1 , which is docked on Bauple Mountain, was called that year 2000 when I had her semi built. She morphs between a pirate ship , space ship , that wondeful contraption on Stardust movie and a tin Palace.
OK, here's my story.

My id got stolen & someone used one of my cc#'s & went on the mother of shopping sprees online. Fortunately, my bank called when they saw all the activity on my card. They didn't pay out on any of it, so that loser was sitting at home waiting for the packages to start arriving. They never did. No one ever contacted me, so I don't know if said loser was ever found & prosecuted.

So, in sheer panic, I went incognito. I love the name Mandolyn, so I took it, used it, called it MINE!!!

Then, I started my business & named it after my Scottish GGM Katie MacKay. Now people think because my business name is Katie MacKay's Bathworks, Ltd, that I must be Katie!!
:lol: :lol:

Hi Mandolyn
You are one strong lady .
Also lucky too :shock:
I am shivering inmy boots about how you must have felt at the time.
Good on you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You turned at all around into such a plus.
Re: Mandolyn

starduster said:
Hi Mandolyn
You are one strong lady .
Also lucky too :shock:
I am shivering inmy boots about how you must have felt at the time.
Good on you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You turned at all around into such a plus.

Aaww, thanks. Like I said, I was in panic mode. :lol: :lol:
Well, I stumbled across this thread by way of link from Ian on an exact same topic thread found in a different forum.....I really need to check out the INTRODUCTION forum more often.....

My userID: My daughter's first Name is Jadie....named after her great grandfather on her dad's side.....Jadiebugs, of course, is what we called her when she was really little (and cute). I've used jadiebugs1 as a username for just about everything on the computer since about the year 2000..

Now my avatar is not of a 'happy' source like most others, nor is it spectacular or anything, but I'll never change it....
I took this picture.....I loved the way it turned out. It was taken in the snow of course, at the gravesite of my daughter (Chandra) who was killed in a car accident in Sept. 2001. She loved dolphins, so therefore there was a dolphin placed on her gravesite by her sister (my other daughter, Desha) and it just looked really cool in the snow like that.

Who knew dolphins could swim in the snow? (while carrying a silver beaded necklace in it's mouth?? lol!)

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