Can anyone tell me what kind of cutter this is and where to find it in the US? Is it even made for cutting soap? Looks like it could work well. Has anyone ever used one and could give it a review? I saw it on a YT video.
I have both of those and never get straight cuts with either, even with a miter box. I much prefer my little wire cheese cutter.You can use a miter box and and a cutting tool like this:
Martha - looks like this is a standard coping saw that can be purchased at any hardware store for less then $10.
Hi! I was lurking around for a long time and only reading forum because my english is far from perfect, so I was afraid of writing something.
But now I need to!
I have this cutter. It is made in Japan and I ordered it from Rakuten Global Market.
Base was made from wood and cutting tool was made from steel. It looks like a coping saw but it has a simple wire not a blade.
I can only reccommend it. That is my best cutter co far, very precise.
On the other hand I think that this cutter is so simple that you can made it by yourself if you have enough will.
I've been using it for about 3 years now and I'm still using the original wire. It came with two replacements.@Misschief Is a cheese wire cutter strong enough? I’m not ready to pay for those wire soap cutters just yet and that could be a good option.
Try to put soap cutter in their search bar.
It looks like a powder coated cast aluminium coping saw that's been adapted to use a wire (instead of a blade).
Can you provide a link to the video - it looks like there's a brand on the tool - being able to read that would help find you either the tool, or one similar.
Thanks [USER=22026]@SaltedFig The photo is a screenshot from one of Etsuko Watanabe’s YouTube videos. She uses this saw in pretty much every one I’ve seen and it seems to work well. Here’s one of her videos. ...[/USER]
Ha ha! That was too easy. I found it and the wooden mitre box. I stopped there, but was tempted by the acrylic soap molds and all the other items. The checkout was difficult and they won't tell me the shipping charges until after the order is placed. I'll give some feedback on the shipping charges, but the cutter was only $7 and the mitre box was $20.
Others have said it before, but this forum is fabulous! Thanks for all the great and quick help.
The wire should have a high pitch when plucked (I hope that makes sense).How taut should the wires on a soap cutter be? Mine are kinda loose but I’m afraid of getting popped in the eye with a broken guitar string!!!