What is in your soap pot this holiday weekend?

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Lovehound said:
Tabitha said:
OK, today I made lip balms...
I'm curious about you lip balmer people ;) ... do you ever put PABA in your lip balms? I have a sun sensitivity problem and I frequently use lip balm as a sun protector and I always buy stuff with PABA and the high SPF. Do you know your SPF?
isnt PABA not good for you??? I remember seeing alot of PABA-free stuff...

How does one figure out their SPF??

I know you could increase it with Zinc oxide...that stuff is like a shield against the sun but its thick as ever! I cant wait to start making lip balms and stuff! :)
IanT said:
isnt PABA not good for you??? I remember seeing alot of PABA-free stuff...

How does one figure out their SPF??
No, quite the contrary. I found that only PABA is good enough for me. It's the only thing that gets the job done for me and prevents my lips from sunburning. I can't go in strong sunlight for extended periods without it.

How do you figure out the SPF? You silly, it's printed right on the container! ;) ;) ;)

I'm curious if you lip balmers can buy PABA.

(I doubt you'd be permitted to advertise SPF without sending your balm through expensive testing labs.)
Lovehound said:
IanT said:
(I doubt you'd be permitted to advertise SPF without sending your balm through expensive testing labs.)

lol yeah i think thats what i meant lol...like if you were using your own ingredients..i know where to look if its a storebought product but like if you made your own "sunblock" i wonder what process they use to figure out SPF, maybe slathering it on a light meter and seeing how much gets through to it?? i know that they calculate it for 1/4 of an inch worth of the product ...meaning to get that SPF youd need to apply the same amount on to your face, so in reality 45 is like 22.5 and 15...might as well go with baby oil! lol...learned that in my years as ocean rescue :)

my skin will burn once or twice at the beginning of summer then not again (but for my face...got to be careful with that as I dont want to lose an ear or nose like my dad w/ plastic surgery for cancer etc...)
La Oberhasli said:
I've been on the lookout for jello molds at good will that would be ideal for soap, but so far all I've found are Power Rangers Season 1 (GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!)
I was a HUGE Power Rangers fan way back when and I was at GoodWill about a year ago and I found Power Ranger Jello molds! Had to get them of course... but i've never even used them. I think they were a special release from when the first movie came out. I believe the bad guys name was "Iva Ooze" and Jello had a Special ed. Jello flavor that was purple to go with the molds...
I didn't think I would be able to soap until next weekend but I managed to HP a batch of Lilac soap for oily skin for my husband. Oddly enough lilac is his favorite, it cracks me up when he walks around in his class A uniform smelling like lilac. LOL
Soapmaker Man said:
Best of luck on whatever you guys are doing. Thinking of our soldiers oversees who would love some of our soap. Humm..side note on getting info on sending soap to Iraq. Has anyone done this?


I just read the Any Soldier website - I'm not sure we'd be able to send homemade soap - this was on the list of things NOT to send:

Home-cooked anything.
Note: Due to concerns for the health and safety of the Soldiers, and as much as we don't want to say this, please do not send home-cooked anything to Soldiers other then to your relatives or people who know you. Factory packaged only. Sorry. The Soldiers are told to throw away anything that is not in a factory package.

Although the wording "home-cooked" seems to me to mean food - does anyone know?