What do you think of a biodegradable bath bomb container?

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Feb 22, 2018
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Hello everyone! I am looking to bring clear bath bomb and individual melt containers into my line that are 100% plant based biodegradable. The only thing is that they would look like condiment cups. The good news is that they would only be about $.50 each. Wondering how people would feel about the shape?

Thanks in advance!
i already thought about packing my BBs in something like that but did not start to look for a distributor yet. can they be closed somehow?
I don't do BB just because people just go to walmart or the $1 store to get them :rolleyes:.
But Bio-degradable would be good. Only bad thing is that it will up the price we would have to charge.
Better to have Recyclable plastic if you have to.
I think most people use shrink wrap tho
Hello everyone! I am looking to bring clear bath bomb and individual melt containers into my line that are 100% plant based biodegradable. The only thing is that they would look like condiment cups. The good news is that they would only be about $.50 each. Wondering how people would feel about the shape?

Thanks in advance!
I would be interested if they are 100 percent biodegradable NOT just recyclable.

Could be used for other things?
So would these containers go into the bath with the bath bomb, or not? My mind went there when you said they were melt-able. I ask this because I wouldn't want to add what I perceive as trash (bio-degradable or not, I would perceive it as trash) into my bath. And I'd be concerned about storage if they are melt-able. With the high humidity of bathrooms, even in the best of conditions, I would not expect they would store well at all. So what kind of water-proof packaging would you use?

I see a long-term storage issue for a melt-able container.
Hello everyone! I am looking to bring clear bath bomb and individual melt containers into my line that are 100% plant based biodegradable. The only thing is that they would look like condiment cups. The good news is that they would only be about $.50 each. Wondering how people would feel about the shape?

Thanks in advance!
That is a great idea, my soap packaging is biodegradable.
For the shape I think that would be cool, the shape would be very unique and different.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. It is something that we are still looking into but the supply line has dried up. And I won't be able to get them in the near future.