What do you listen to while soaping?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I've spent the afternoon watching some soaping clips on YouTube, and what has really stood out is that so many soapmakers have music playing in the background while they soap. I cannot make soap without music playing...there is nothing in particular I prefer to listen to, but soaping & music just seem to go hand-in-hand for me. It allows me to really sink into the 'soap zone'...it's quite therapeutic!

So I was wondering, how many of you enjoy listening to music while you soap, and what do you like to listen to?

I will generally just listen to the radio, i know it sounds a little boring but i find it does help me focus on what i am doing and I just feel happier.
Sometimes I will even dance a little whilst I am waiting for the soap to trace!
I like peace and quiet so I can concentrate....but I do love all the bird noises here so , its kinda like a constant radio I suppose
My mp3 phone has a mix of many genres of music on it, and I just let them all play through - from country to rock, and pop to Twilight soundtrack. As long as music is playing, I'm a happy camper. Heck, I'm just happy making soap. period. :wink:
I like to crank Bon Jovi, Gin Blossoms, and ELO. I guess my choices really show my age! :D
It depends ... some times I have the local radio station on, others my iPod on the iPod station and other times I have no noise ... other than that produced by the world I live in.

Last weekend I downloaded Kd Lang's new cd and had that on my iPod on repeat ... outstanding!
I love to listen to XM or sirius satellite radio & I always listen to
" 70's hits" which I LOVE or I listen to the "Zen chill Lounge " which is like down tempo new agey electronica dance music.
Or I watch the cooking channel & start thinking about food recipes I'm going to do later
My life is so hectic that when I get a chance to soap with no one home I make sure everything is turned off. For me silence is a balm to the spirit.
I used to listen to the Bridges of Madison County soundtrack a lot, beautiful! Lately I've been listening to Madeleine Peyroux. Fun question!
I am addicted to audiobooks. Listen to them during my commute to work, when I am gardening, sewing, soaping, cleaning. and exercising. Sometimes when I have a really good book I tell myself that I can only listen to it when I am exercising, it motivates me to get on that eliptical I have been dusting in the basement.
kelleyaynn said:
Chay said:
For me silence is a balm to the spirit.

I am so with you on that one!

me too! i need the quite so that i can concentrate. any other time and i have music going, but when i soap, i like silence.
Dragonkaz said:
It depends ... some times I have the local radio station on, others my iPod on the iPod station and other times I have no noise ... other than that produced by the world I live in.

Last weekend I downloaded Kd Lang's new cd and had that on my iPod on repeat ... outstanding!

Chay said:
My life is so hectic that when I get a chance to soap with no one home I make sure everything is turned off. For me silence is a balm to the spirit.

I agree, when the husband goes to work & the kids go to school, everything gets turned off. I love it!
I haven't been able to have any music/radio/tv in my soaping room at the moment and it's been ok for soaping. Now I've started to make lotion too, sitting in silence for 20mins heating and holding my oil and water has started to get a little boring. Monday I'm going to definitely get the laptop in there so i can listen to something hehe. I have such an eclectic taste in music though, I don't know what I'd choose to soap with, something fun and poppy might be nice, happy vibes for the soap :D
My husband and my now 7 month old usually keep me company but when they are not around I listen to Cat Stevens or Aerosmith.
Traceyann said:
I like peace and quiet so I can concentrate....but I do love all the bird noises here so , its kinda like a constant radio I suppose

ditto this, i love the peace and quiet, just me, the cats and dog, and the birdies, if i'm lucky enough to have the SO at work when i'm soaping :)

if i want music, it's metallica or children of bodom, i'm totally warped ;)