This question is for everyone who has made a business out of soap making:
Do you use the soap making recipes you find on supplier sites or any other site and make the soap and then sell it
or do you come up with your own mixture/recipe?
I was wondering because I'm vary new to all this and I figured I could use the recipes I find, give it a new name and slap my own lable on it or is that like stealing?( I don't wanna steal anything, but if I make a soap recipe I found on a website could I sell it as my own, just with a different name?)
or I figure I could find a recipe and tweek it a little and then sell it
Pls comment...Thank You
Do you use the soap making recipes you find on supplier sites or any other site and make the soap and then sell it
or do you come up with your own mixture/recipe?
I was wondering because I'm vary new to all this and I figured I could use the recipes I find, give it a new name and slap my own lable on it or is that like stealing?( I don't wanna steal anything, but if I make a soap recipe I found on a website could I sell it as my own, just with a different name?)
or I figure I could find a recipe and tweek it a little and then sell it
Pls comment...Thank You