What did I do wrong?

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I was making a six pound batch with lard, coconut oil and palm oil. I added color with a mixture of vegatable glycerin and ultramarine. I used Ocean Rain fragrance oil.

The mixture got VERY lumpy and I think seized up, though I put it in molds to see if it would saponify anyway.

What I got as a goopy oily mess. I was able to slice the logs, but they were dripping in oil.

My lye water was getting too cool too fast. My oils were at 135 and my lye water was at 128.....

Either it was a problem with the glycerin....the oils/lye were too hot or my fragrance oil was bad.

Any suggestions as to what could be the problem????
It's hard to say without the recipe, can you post it?

i'm so sad! :cry:

i've had ocean rain seize on me twice-it wasn't the colorant or the glycerine (soap contains natural glycerine)

i have no problem when i rtcp it. i believe it was the high temp, the f/o and possibly the palm oil-if you use more than 20%.

i'd soap it at 100 degrees or less next time. and don't use a water discount.

The recipe I used

Coconut oil 34 percent
Lard 33 percent
palm oil 33 percent

36.6 oz water
14.2 oz lye
I had an FO turn my soap into an oily separated mess before.

I'm pretty sure it was soaping at high temps, now when I'm using an FO or EO I let my oils and lye solution cool to around 100° and I keep my water percentage at 38%.
Sorry about your trouble. I think it was the high temps. I usually try to go at about 110 degrees or lower myself.


Going back over my notes from last night, I think it was the high temps too.

But with the new FO I wasn't sure.

I was a little too anxious to get the soaps in the molds.

The upside is that the oily mess I did create had my first successful swirls.
LOL! :oops:

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