What are your favorite liquid oils for soaping and why?

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I've used Hemp Oil in a Cannabis Flower soap at 10% and it is a year old and no DOS. I wouldn't use it any higher though. I also added some Vitamin E to the bottle when I purchased it to help stabilize the shelf life hopefully.

Fascinating. What does it bring to the bar, do you think? I might give it a try at some point, but perhaps at just 5%. I think it is somewhat expensive anyway. :)
I love hemp oil at 10%. I make a special mother's day soap that has 10% hemp and none of the trinity oils (OO, PO, CO). It is extremely conditioning and mild. It didn't go rancid as I kept my combined linoleic/linolenic at less than 15 on soapcalc.
I haven't been doing this long enough to decide on a favorite for soap-making, (a whole 3 batches so far), but I love avocado oil and shea butter in other skin products and hair products, so I used them in my first 2 batches, and love the way they feel in the soap. My 3rd batch did not use either one, and although it the lather was more bubbly instead of creamy, it also felt much drier on my skin. :(

So I'm gonna say I really like shea butter and avocado oil so far, mixed with whatever the base oils of my soap are.
My favorites as well as OO, avocado and castor oil. I also like rice bran oil.
OO, cheapest I can find, CO (it's always liquid where I live), and some castor for my liquid oils....
Castor for bubbles and rice bran for conditioning and rich creamy lather. Rice bran is much cheaper than olive oil, I can get a really good price when ordering six gallons from Riceland.
I love RBO, and it's a bit cheaper than pomace oil here. But I also heard about the rancidity issue. So I use it at 10% of total oil. Thann, Thailand's luxury soap, use RBO as their main ingredient.

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I freeze a lot of my oils and butters. I have a large chest freezer and I would say 75% of it holds soaping supplies-oils, butters, purees, coffees, milks, yogurts, beer...lol

That is a great tip. I live in a cool climate so don't worry too much about most of my stuff. I do keep my hemp oil there, and amazingly enough it is still liquid. I should probably put my evening primrose in there too, huh?

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