Supporting Member
The new Monoprice Select Mini 3D printer was released this weekend, so I ordered one. So next weekend I should be working on making soap stamps and soap dishes....
MP Select Mini
MP Select Mini
whoa ..... is it pricey?
I have the Dremel 3D printer coming this week. I have no idea how to create a stamp, but have been playing with Sketchup and 3D Builder to try to learn. I definitely need a 3D Printing for Dummies course. What program are you going to use?
I have been coveting one since kchaystack posted. Just haven't been able to "take the plunge". YET.
Do keep us in the know with pictures.
It's here!
OMG Just amazing. Keep posting pictures. I will consider getting one.
Is it difficult to work with? Never had one ....