Hi, I am new here, My name is Anne, but everyone calls me Annie, or Kittie, since I have a 'couple cats' that think they are truly humans. It's nice to find a good group to share soaping with. I'm fairly newly retired ICU RN, and ready to really have some fun being creative cause I'm sure tired of working. I've been creative my whole life and always have many projects in the works. Very few UFO's.
I too, am addicted to making soap, and synthetic store bought 'soap' just doesn't work for me. I've kept many soapers in the money over the last 30 years. Since I began, I've made mostly natural type so far, a number of excursions using turmeric/paprika etc for colors and EOs for scents, but now I want to branch out using colorant/micas and FO's. So, I know I will need HELP! Especially after today's seemingly disastrous results.
I've been making CP, for a couple years, and haven't had a bad batch out of maybe 90-100 or so, usually a 3 lb batch a week. But, I think I have created a bad batch now. I searched for a forum for a couple days and found SMF. I've not been in a soap forum before, and I read a lot of posts here trying to learn more about rebatching. I know of it, but have never done it! I waited 96 hours, the batch in the log mold, and soap was like stiff jelly today, as I took it out of mold it was quite gooey, and I figure I may have poured it at too light of trace, and I reviewed my recipe and realized I used all soft oils,

At the moment, it is in my SS pot, and sitting on the stove warmer, melting into mashed potatoes.
I'm new here and I'm already venting! Terrible of me, I do apologize. Soaping blues hit me hard!
Also, I should say that I weigh everything on my soaping gram scale, accuracy, like when I would give drugs to patients (double triple quad checking). Now, I'm just suddenly nervous. And I learned today that having that first bad batch gave me a desperate feeling with a sick feeling inside....LOLOL. And I know I must have just been lucky in the past...I always figured it would hit me sooner or later. I just hate the thought of having to throw away a 3 lb batch of good oils and EO's!
So, that's where I'm at, having a pot of whipped mashed potatoes and I just finished smushing them into my mold. SO, what's next?
I'm sure there's a thread....Thank you all in advance, for listening. I look forward to chatting with you all about S O A P !