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Soapmaking Forum

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Hi, My name is Debbie, and I've been addicted to soap making for...okay, well, I'm only addicted to DAYDREAMING about soapmaking so far, but as soon as I can afford to try it, I'm sure I'll be addicted to the actual thing! I "started" out by researching a lanolin-based lotion for my potter's hands (clay dries them out quite quickly). And I stumbled onto the idea of lotion bars, and then from there body butter and sugar scrubs, and it only seemed to make sense to go and try homemade soaps and shampoo bars next :) I can not WAIT to make some awesome looking, great working, nice smelling, ALL NATURAL soaps to use for my family (4 kids - 5 1/2 (twins) to 10 years old) and hopefully to sell. I'm actually thinking that maybe this can eventually be a better way for me to make a small income so that my pottery can be more of my hobby, and that maybe I can help other SAHM's by doing business together.

So there's my hopes and dreams in a nutshell and I haven't even poured anything yet, LOL! But I'm glad I found this site!

Hello all. I just sign on with this forum. I've been making soap for a while and am looking for a great tallow/lard recipe that include Co Oo castor and cocoa and Shea. I have one in mind that uses around 40% tallow/lard. I am using up the last bit of palm lethal and am going palm free! Any cool recipe ideas would be great. My kids dissolve all of the soap and just laugh and giggle about it, so I am shooting for really hard but super conditioning.
Hello! I am new to the SMF and so far i have found it to be very friendly and a great source of information and inspiration too.
Hi My name is Lee, I have been making my own candles off and on for about 8 years, and know i am dreaming of adding soap to this list of crafts i do.
Hello everyone!

I'm a registered nurse and will soon graduate Nurse Practitioner school. A couple of weeks ago I finally got a break from school and went to the farmers market. There was someone selling hand made soap, so I purchased a few bars - now I am just in love with it. The next day I started doing my research and a week later, I'm ordering my own supplies. I am just now beginning my first batch of CP soap, with goats milk! I do not have fresh so i'm using the milk from the can, but I hope to have fresh real soon!
Great site...if anyone has any pointers - please let me know!

Thanks Hazel! I will post pics of the end product. We will see how we'll I do in the lab now (I used to work in the lab at the hospital) after 15 years !
Hi, my name is Debbi and I have recently become addicted to soapmaking. I used to be a potter/sculptor at the Ren Faires for 20-something years. I moved into making glass beads and beadwork, along with spinning and knitting. I loved the handmade soaps I bought from friends and locally. I cannot use soy in any way and did not like the idea of using palm oils, so progressed into learning how to make my own soaps. That is about it. zzzzzzzz... yes? ;)
new and lost

Hi, well I have no idea how to post or join in a forum.........could you help me?:eh:
Hello Soapers

Hi, Tammy here,
I am new here of course and i have a math question.

I have several different size loaf molds and want to end up with 4 oz bars no matter what mold the soap comes out of. Does anyone know the formula for finding out how many inches I cut each bar so it ends up 4 oz.
Hi! I'm new to the forum and to soap making. I have always been interested in learning new and useful skills and soap making was next on the list. So I got a friend to make me a wooden mold, got a few books and articles but cannot seemed to get a course in my vicinity. So I recon the best thing to do is to jump in and just do it now.
Hello to everyone above! :lol:

@ Oh Crap

If you go to the forum index page http://www.soapmakingforum.com/ and scroll down, you will see all the different sub-forums. Just click on the name of a forum that you're interested in viewing and the sub-forum index page will open. Then just click on a subject header to read a topic.

Look at the top or bottom left hand side and you will see a blue "button" which says "Post Reply". Click on it to write a reply or you can scroll a little farther down to write a reply in the "Quick Reply" box. You just click the submit button to post replies when you're done writing.

I hope I haven't confused you.
Another newbie here

I'm new to soap making. I've been reading a lot of posts here and I can't wait to try some of the recipes! Next week I plan to make some shaving soap. I'll post when I do and let you know how it turns out.
Hi, I have been making soap for family and friends since the start of the year. It has been going really well and I have been getting great feed back. I joined this forum to get tips and ideas as one day (fingers crossed) I can sell some of my products at markets. The problem I am facing at the moment is finding markets at all. I live in Parkes NSW and the good old fashioned markets seem to have gone out the window. My next idea is the internet. I think though I am a fair way off selling anything just yet, but looking forward to all the great tips and ideas off everyone on the forum. Thanks for your help so far.:)
Hi Red Panda

Welcome, I'm in Sydney. I'd imagine there wouldn't be many markets out your way, you'd probably have to travel a couple of hours to get to a market maybe Orange or Cowra. A lot of markets are also full and you have to go on a waiting list and have something extra special or something they haven't already got at the market to let you in. I think you'll find the market is saturated on the net with handmade soaps. Have a look on Etsy and you'll see how many, bit of an uphill battle to find a niche. This might help you in the future for when your ready to sell. http://www.soapmakingforum.com/f23/you-ready-sell-your-soap-16002/
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