Weekend Soap Pot - Feb 27 - Mar 1

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Lindy said:
So what's in your soap pot this weekend?
hmmm, I just made "arabian spice", in my log mold, purple layer, white, then more purple, we'll see. didnt layer nice, but smells fabo
Then this weekend, Im thinking about "curve" knockoff, and cotton candy(yuck, but daughter wants it!) then i made one with " almond and coconut" im addicted, i need to sell some of this! my daughters dont ever buy store bought soap anymore they just come over and pick what they want.
I got some oils from BCN that I want to try some sample batches with. So, probably about 5 test batches.
I need to make bath fizzies, 2 to 3 batches of soap and we are having our first booth at a local farmers market tomorrow :shock: A person back out and our neighbor who runs it, dropped by and gave it to us!! I am not ready but my wife says we are....I will let you know how it goes.
soap pot

I'm making another batch of CP (I haven't done MP in so long I don't think I remember how!) that I'm sending out to testers.

Then more bath bombs so they will be ready for my April 25 show. And, of course, body butter and salt scrubs.
No soapies for me this weekend. I just had company in town, and I'm wiped out. So I think I'll just be watching soap cure. And maybe doing a little research about salt bars.
I'm doing a strawberry daiquiri scent in a 75% CO / 25% Shortening recipe.

Then I have eternity men's FO, but I just can't decide what color to use for it. So I'm not sure if I'll get around to making that this weekend or not.

I'm also going to melt down tons of scrap soaps, make some new soap rocks and finish the soap rocks I've been accumulating for weeks now.
I have my first batch of liquid soap in the pot. Trying to decide what to mix in for color and fragrance!
No soap.
I've been watching Ace of Cakes and am addicted to the show. I've make special shaped cakes for the kids before, but since watching this show I'm going to try to decorate some cakes using fondant. We'll see. Just another addiction for me to start on. LOL
Also I am running around with some friends, going to a local brewery for a tour and then to the movies with the kids on Sunday.
That's it for me. :)
Hmmm....I don't soap on weekends - kids home, hubby home - so does last Thursday count? I made my first soap cake (for that, read 'round shaped' :wink: ) and used my usual base oils with gm and coloured it dusty pink and fragranced with Rose FO & Patch EO. Smells just like my Mum's rose garden in the sun!

Tanya :)
I just got my big order of new stuff from Aussie Soap Supplies from DH for my hubby, so at the moment I have got so much good stuff I don't know what to make first!!
I think I will make some 20%SF Coconut soap with some rose clay.