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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Eugene, OR
Hey all,
so earlier i was making soap (I've made literally like 100 batches, at least). As i poured the lye mixture into the oils, it splashed up into my eye. i immediately flushed it with water for 10 minutes and called a friend to bring me to the eye doctor. Turns out I burned a whole in the white portion of my eye, which supposedly heals quickly. Thankfully my cornea was undamaged. If it was, I could have lost some of my vision.
So, for all of you who are like me and don't faithfully wear goggles, WEAR THEM. I cannot describe the pain and discomfort I am in now. I am thankful, though, because it could have been a lot worse.
Also, let's all be familiar with what to do in case we have an incident with lye- it's some serious stuff!

Stay safe!!!
OMG, thank God your ok. I have not done my first batch of cp yet. Just bought the dreaded lye tonight. I will be going out to Lowes tomorrow for goggles, I have gloves, but was going to not use goggles. Seriously, thank you and I am sorry you got hurt.
That's how I got my nickname.......except for I stuck my finger in my eye after handling still caustic soap. Didn't require an eye doctor, but it scared the hell out of me. I thought fairly quickly though and also threw vinegar in my eye while flushing with water.....that's what actually made it stop burning.
What a scare! Glad that all turned out well and no serious damage. :)

I am a safety nut and your experience reinforces everything I do even though I don't always want to.

I am so glad you are okay .

If this isn't good reminder to wear goggles I don't know what is .
OMG, I actually shuddered when I read your post. OMG!!!!

I've had lye burn off my nail polish, and gotten it under one of my fingnernails. I also touched an oily napkin that I had been wiping my thermometer from the oils to the lye mixture and I had a hair on my lip well..... I ended up w/lye on my lip. It took off the first layer of skin and Burned like FIRE!!!! I can't imagine that in my eye!!!!

or trying to explain it to the ER.
how scary! i'm glad you're ok.

i just made a batch a couple hours ago and after everything cooled down and as i was about to pour my lye water into my oils, it hit me to put on my goggles!
:shock: That's a good reminder... I've been told I look like a mad scientist (mwahaha), but I'd still rather be safe. A good cautionary tale. I'm so glad it wasn't worse.
Wow, what a scary ordeal! I'm glad you're going to be okay.

I tend to take liberties with my own safety (sticking my hands in the raw soap batter to scrape it off the sides of the bowl because I left the spatula out of arms reach and I'm lazy, for example). When you do this every day it's easy to forget how dangerous it really is. Thanks for the much needed reminder.
Oh Christelle!! I am sooo glad that you're okay, and that the damage isn't permanant. You are right though - we often forget that this stuff is VERY dangerous, and forget to wear our safty wear.

I for one will not go without safty wear! Hope you feel better soon!
That's a scary wake up call for all of us.

I am especially lackidaisical sometimes. I work in a science lab for my job and I handle some heavy duty chemicals sometimes (Hcl and others). Over the years I will admit that because I have become "comfortable" being around them I often skip safety procedures when I am in a hurry (which is probably actually the absolutely WORST time to skip them). This is a good reminder that just because nothing bad happened the first 100 times, that doesn't mean that the 101st won't be the one that does you in.

I am so glad your eye is okay, and am very sorry you had to go through it.
Holy geez. I'm glad youre okay. I'm horrible about wearing goggles and gloves. I never do anymore. I cant seem to function with them on. I bet I function even worse with no eye tho'....

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