water vs. oil dispersed TD

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
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I've got a few soaps that I use TD in, and when it comes time to make them I just kinda dread it because its such a pain getting the td to blend into the oil smoothly with no small tidbits or specks. I mix it into just a small amount of oil first making a paste then add more oil a little at a time before adding it to all my oils. But specks still fall to the bottom and I was wondering if it's any easier to use the water dispersed type??? Does it disolve better, or does it just kinda sink to the bottom too? So what kind do most people like? :?
Disperse your TD in some glycerin instead. Or mix oil soluble TD into a small amount of oil and don't use what falls to the bottom. If it's water soluble it should mix with water easy enough.
Ugh, I've been having fits with the Oil Dis. TD. I cannot get it to melt into the oils without clumps. Very frustrating. I'm going to follow Soapbuddy's advice and strain it next time.
I haven't had much trouble with either. The one thing I will add though is that the water dispersable seems to thin things a bit (sometimes helpful, sometimes not) if added after trace.
Thanks for the responses everybody, I may try straining out the heavier bits that fall to the bottom of the oil instead of trying to "mush" them into it. :p
I use the oil based, I just put as little oil as possible into the tip of a ziplock baggie, add my TD and then twist the baggie and squeeze out all the lumps by rolling it between my fingers. It works well for me. IF I am adding sugar and other powders I will put everything in a bowl together and mix with a little oil....making a paste....this works well too.
I use TD from suppliesbystar.com. I guess it's water soluble as it completely disolves in water. I've never had any problems using it.
I've been using TD from WSP...water disspersable(sp?)...I blend mine with a stick blender right into the lye/liquid after it has cooled down...using required precautions, of course. Works like a charm.
Aha!! As I suspected! LOL :eek: I think I will try the water dispersable next time, only I recently ordered more of the kind I've always used and this stuff lasts forever LOL so...months from now when I order more, I think I'll try the water dispersable and see if it works up any better for me. :wink: Thanks so much for the input.

ps. thanks Dixie your method makes sense to me, I believe I'll give that a try, thanks.
I bought a pound of oil dispersable td ages ago and can't wait until it's gone!! I've heard good things about water soluble...
I've only used oil dispersible and the first time I used it I did have small clumpies in the soap. The second time I added it to the warmed oils and I let it sit for awhile. Then I SB'd it thoroughly and it dispersed very nicely through the oils. Of course, I could have just been lucky. :D
Healinya said:
I bought a pound of oil dispersable td ages ago and can't wait until it's gone!! I've heard good things about water soluble...
LOL!! I just bought 8 oz. so this bags gonna be around a looooong time. LOL :lol: