Wash your damn hands.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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One of my sons is a bio/enviro science major at ASU. He asked to me make him a 100 bars of soap stamped, labeled or embeded with a slogan.

We decided on an embed and then he emailed me the slogan: Wash Your Damn Hands.

This video was part of the presentation. Then they handed out 100 bars of soap. At least he got an A.
I think the guys in my family have a thing about making videos in public restrooms.

Ha! No, that's my son playing Pervy Peeker in the ladies room.
I really love all the giggling in the video. Great job to you and your son. I feel bad for the poor non-washing girl. :lol:
He's a funny guy. I'm glad you enjoyed his video, keep an eye out - there are some big things on the horizon concerning his career.
Deda said:
He's a funny guy. I'm glad you enjoyed his video, keep an eye out - there are some big things on the horizon concerning his career.

Oh good! I can't wait to find out his big news then. :D
That was just too funny. Good job on both the soap and the filming. Hummm the next Steve Spielburg? :p