Very Disappointed With Camden Grey Order Advice Needed

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Jan 11, 2020
Reaction score
At The Beach in New Jersey
Last week I took advantage of the 55% off sale that Camden Gray was offering because they are closing up shop. You could only get the discount if you ordered over $100 of products. I ordered 10 pounds of beeswax which is what I really wanted and to get the total over $100 I added 8 ounces of ROE and a flavor. The total after discount was $110. The next correspondence I got from them was a shipping notification that the products had shipped with a note at the bottom that said that they had to run out of beeswax and that they were adjusting the discount to reflect the new total. So basically they took away the 55% discount and I paid $50 plus shipping for 8 ounces of ROE and 3 1/2 ounces of a flavor oil. I would never have paid this kind of money for those two products. They never gave me a chance to add something different to the order or informed me that they were doing this and I’m really angry about it. To top it off they’re not going to refund my credit card till next week sometime as I was charged $110 and the total now is $61 without the beeswax. I’m considering doing a chargeback on my credit card, but I don’t know if that will work since they’re going out of business. I sent them a note but have not heard back. Think it was really unfair that they didn’t inform me. It was like a bait and switch. Would like your thoughts on this. Thanks guys!
I'd call & cancel the whole order and tell them I was going to contact my credit card company and contest the charge (and refuse the package if shipped.) And then follow through if they don't fix it.

I'm pretty sure your cc co can vacuum back the funds.
I can't imagine that going out of business ever goes perfectly smoothly, especially for a small business. I would hope that they would address your concerns and make things right, even at the 11th hour. If it happened to me, I would probably send them a follow up and give them a little more time.
I am going to give them some time to reply and maybe even try calling.
@Jersey Girl I am sorry this happened. What they did isn't right, and they should have contacted you. Unless they are going to give you the discount you would have received if the beeswax had been in stock and shipped with your order, I would cancel the order and contact my credit card company. It's sad they are going out of business, but they still need to be fair to those who placed orders.

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