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Teresa, that might not be a bad idea (testing, I mean). I'll ask my PCP about it next time I go in.

Re goggles, I initially got some of those onion goggles b/c the Soap Queen always wears them and I watched so many of her videos in the beginning :) But end up mostly wearing my cheap dollar store ones, I like them better now. But it is not usually humid here in LA, so no fogging problems.

Here's the links to the shield and lab coat - I wanted to get stuff that was /well-rated but still relatively inexpensive, these seemed like the best combo. Haven't tried them yet though, they don't arrive until tomorrow, so can't personally opine:


lab coat:
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Otherwise I always suggest people do as my Dad said and "never miss a good chance to shut the hell up."

I like it! I'm adding that to my list of wise sayings. :)

LBussy said:
When we actually had to call people to talk to them, we called the phenomenon "phone balls," where a person would talk real big on the phone and not to your face. Now it's even worse because you can say things to someone you have less of a chance meeting face to face than you have a chance to win the lottery. How a person handles that speaks to their character.

I'm not going to say I have never stooped to the lows other people have presented me. I'm only human, but I try now to surround myself with good people who will not feed that sadistic beast hiding in all of us. There is no advice, no instructions, no help, for which it is worth sacrificing your character.

So my advice (and I know the OP did not ask for it, this was a vent) is to just surround yourself with good people.

Ditto that^^^^. The level of rudeness and downright mean-ness that abounds on the interwebs/social media can be quite breathtaking. All of us are given the opportunity daily to either feed that inner sadistic beast or to 'shut the hell up', and it amazes me how so many are so incredibly eager to throw every vestige of caution to the wind on social media and sacrifice their character (or decimate someone else''s life) just to feed an ugly, sadistic beast. Yeah, there might be a brief feeling of satisfaction/superiority from having 'one-upped' someone, but at what price? As one who used to cluelessly feed that beast with abandon in my younger days, I can say without hesitation that he's truly not worth the expense of so much 'food'.

Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but I often soap without shoes....... but never, ever without gloves or goggles.

IrishLass :)
Ignorance(according to Mirriam Webster) is this: : a lack of knowledge, understanding, or education : the state of being ignorant

Stupidity, however, is this: the state of being foolish or unintelligent : the condition of being stupid

In practical terms, however, stupidity is the unwillingness to learn(foolish), rather than the lack of knowledge.

We can cure ignorance by providing good, solid information. No one can cure stupidity except the person that refuses to learn.

Those FB groups have way too many of the "don't want to learn better", and too few willing and able to provide good information.
I agree that it is some stupidity. I also think its the mentality of "well, I'm careful so that won't happen to me". If working in a lab has taught me anything, its that bad things can happen to the most careful people.

I get the soaping with no shoes thing. I soaped with sandals on once (instead of sneakers) and that happened to be the time that I spilled soap batter on my feet/floor. I dropped everything and cleaned up right away. I wear my prescription safety glasses while I soap. I also wear long pants, sneakers, and gloves.

For some reason my dogs know not to go into the kitchen while I soap. Cooking is a different story though... Lol.
I actually did leave FB for almost 2 years. I don't know why I bothered again...
SMF will always have me though hehe! ;)
Thanks guys, you made me laugh and feel better!

I'm awake now and can type more (had my coffee :) ).
I now that Internet can unfortunately be a very nasty place. But it keeps surprising me again and again.
I know people will turn to personal insults in the lack of valid argument. My pet hate is when they include my children in it (?!).
it just shows personality of those people, not me.
Apart from being sonewhat angry, I actually do pitty them in a way and feel sorry for new people who are not getting proper advice,, but I guess it is how will it always be on the www.
Not worth the energy and time as many of you said.
Let's spend time on making soap. ;)
My hubby's favorite saying is "arguing with a fool only proves there's two". He thinks of it every time he starts to disagree with a foolish or stupid person so hangs up the phone, walks away or closes out Facebook. There's no point in trying to give good advice or instruction to someone that won't take it.

My dh's saying is -
Never argue with an idiot, because they'll drag you down to their level and bet you through shear experience.

I feel we should have a section for venting. :problem:

FJ, as for a section for venting, I say no, because I think keeping everything positive is the way to go. See my dh's saying above - I think that say's it all. The idiots can't argue with silence.

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