Using nori in soap

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welsh black

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Reaction score
wales UK
Has anyone used nori (dried seaweed) in soap? If so did you crumble in the sheets or soak it first, did the colour stay dark green or did it morph? It's got some really good qualities so would like to try it.!!!
Havent used nori but I have a nice dark green from a kelp infusion.

just re-read and guess you want nori for properties, not color. Sorry can't help there. :)
I live on the coast so there's lots of lava For the collecting, but I would have to wash and dry it first before use. Nori is the same thing so I just wondered if anyone had used it. Thanks anyway
Hmmm. Never tried it, why not make a small batch first.

It seems it would be better to make some sort of infusion with it, wouldn't the nori eventually go bad if left in strips? I don't know. Or you could grind it all in a coffee bean grinder. Just trying to think of how to use it, lol. When I play around for colorants, I put the herb or what have you in OO, usually in a muslin bag to not have to strain too much, and let it sit for 6 weeks, or put in a pot of water and let it gently heat for a few hours for immediate use. That avoids speckles and exfoilients.
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I collect and dry my own seaweed to use in soaps. I crumble it into pieces then put it in a coffee grinder to reduce the size to small flakes or powder. The size of the bits depends on the species, so sea lettuce reduces to powder very quickly. Oarweed goes to a coarse powder and dulse to thin flakes. I love the variation of working with natural materials. I haven't tried lava or nori but all I can say is give it a go, what's the worst that can happen?! I use about 1% seaweed by weight of oils and rosemary eo works very nicely with it too.
I make a soap with sand, seawater and bladderwrack, making it this morning in fact :) I rinse the seaweed off in the ocean, but don't do anything other than chop it as finely as I can. It never really gets dry here with the humidity. Imparts some nice brown flecks. And the extra salt adds to the soap. It's my favourite bar to use. Doesn't have a smell, other than the clean soapy smell. I imagine nori would be the same, but why not use what you've got right there?
Yes. I'll dry some lava seaweed and grind it down to a rough powder. 1% per pound of oils sounds good. I'll put some EO with it as well ill post some pics when I'm done. Thanks fall all comments.